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Putanges - The Movie!

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My Way With The Putanges   You’ve read the book, seen the photos and now the blockbuster film has just been released to a fanfare of publicity at the Barnsley Odeon! Never before has the famous red

My gripe with all the new mole trappers from these courses is that they are not earning a living at it but are just creaming off work from those of us that rely on Pest control for a living and are o

But you could equally argue that applies to pigeon shooting and rabbit clearance. Even ratting. There will always be middle ground.   I used to help a mate who ran a shoot and that involved shooting

I took it off because of the bad feeling it caused amongst some of the old timers on here (look back a couple of pages). I had only made the video to show those who were buying them how to use them. But it ruffled the feathers of those who think that we should keep mole trapping a secret. Once the traps had been sold and used and everyone knew how to work them I took it off.

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They look dead easy to carry a hundred or so around with you until you see that you need just as many sheets of 3ft x 3ft cuts of kingspan to cover the holes up with, not to mention the bricks to weigh said kingspan down with :D :D :D


Be very interested ot see the original film that was posted if anyone can offer directions.

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i did have it and sent nicepix a link thinking he might save it to his p.c. i have since deleted it from photobucket so the link wont work now. i have been trying to upload it to photobucket yet again but i am struggling... file is too big to email :(


once i get it on i will put a link up..

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Great video Nicepix, could quite place you by your strong French accent but I'll take a stab at North of Paris.


Really interesting and great point at the end about trapping them in their environment. Will definitely give them a go and report back.


Many thanks for making such a video and many thanks to Smithie for working through the frustration to get it uploaded, top work.

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ponte and mr wilks managed to watch it. :huh:



try that



That one works. The other just kept taking me back to the HL message page. If you are happy to host it I'll leave it there. Saves me faffing about trying to re-load it.

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