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Demodex Mites

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Had pup to the vet uther day after losing some fur around the neck. They sed was demodex mites and I would need to bring it in every week to get bathed. When I got home check on Google and can buy the shampoo for ten pound they wanting 25 a pop Any 1 eles had them and would it make any difference if I did it myself?

What breed is the pup?

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It's demodectic mange caused by a mite and usualy happens when a dog has suffered a mayor misshap as all the dogs i've ever known to suffer from it had been either run over or had parvo or distemper f

Ha ha, Paulus's chemist has a serious opinion of him. Hope it's a male chemist, LOL.

A pup I got was full of it put some sheep dip on it job done


Had pup to the vet uther day after losing some fur around the neck. They sed was demodex mites and I would need to bring it in every week to get bathed. When I got home check on Google and can buy the shampoo for ten pound they wanting 25 a pop Any 1 eles had them and would it make any difference if I did it myself?

What breed is the pup?

she a pat mate
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Last week we checked amazon after being told about it, it was 30 plus 13 postage, fair enough. Went back half hour later to purchase it and it was 40 + 13 delivery lol. Checked ebay and it was 31 with free postage, so ordered it off amazon and ebay, just incase sort of thing lol PayPal refunded us the eBay sellers payment the next day and amazon sent us email saying no longer in stock ffs what a drama lol so anyways back on ebay and found another seller, 18 quid and 4 delivery, and it's turned up this time, but what a fook on, hope it's good lpl


i just use plain old benzyl benzoate, most sweet itch treatments contain it as a base ingredient and only costs a couple of quid a bottle
can you just buy it over the conter? How many times would you put it on
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Last week we checked amazon after being told about it, it was 30 plus 13 postage, fair enough. Went back half hour later to purchase it and it was 40 + 13 delivery lol. Checked ebay and it was 31 with free postage, so ordered it off amazon and ebay, just incase sort of thing lol PayPal refunded us the eBay sellers payment the next day and amazon sent us email saying no longer in stock ffs what a drama lol so anyways back on ebay and found another seller, 18 quid and 4 delivery, and it's turned up this time, but what a fook on, hope it's good lpl

i just use plain old benzyl benzoate, most sweet itch treatments contain it as a base ingredient and only costs a couple of quid a bottle
can you just buy it over the conter? How many times would you put it on


order it off the net, twice a day for a week should do the trick

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The dosage for ivermectin injection is 0.3mg per kg, so if the pup is 5kg you would have to give 1/6 of one cc. Repeat after 14 days. Topical creams/dips will take care of the mites on the skin, but not treat mites buried under the skin,,which is why you repeat the injection after 14 days. Don't breed from her she will most likely pass it on to pups as it normally reoccurs at times of high stress.

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