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Hare Coursing In Ireland

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  On 29/10/2015 at 19:30, Leeview said:

top of the comments, ...twice hares have been stolen from the Castleisland preserves beating up an elderly gent looking after them..

Y.I.S Leeview

shows the way they twist things,coursing club members were convicted of that castleisland job,netting hares for their own meet.

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  On 29/10/2015 at 19:30, neil cooney said:


  On 29/10/2015 at 18:26, jigsaw said:

saw it yesterday,in fairness they had their photos of their catches up on FB I was informed,tis the kike of them that'll ruin it for everyone else

NO WAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


sarcasm doesnt suit you Mr.Cooney :laugh:

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  On 29/10/2015 at 19:43, Leeview said:

Which coursing club were the members from??? theres only been 12 meetings this season so far Castleisland were last week

Y.I.S Leeview

cork i think it was,the convictions were in the media reports.they all move hares about ballymena club in the north still supply sligo meet,

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  On 29/10/2015 at 19:53, jigsaw said:

Doon coursing club had their licence revoked for this season as they got caught netting hares in a nature reserve,,''dont do as I do,do as I say'' comes to mind.

Not illegal to net hares is it :thumbs: they just did nt have permission to net them at that time, and the ICC rightly suspended them for the season

Y.I.S Leeview

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  On 30/10/2015 at 13:31, Leeview said:


  On 29/10/2015 at 19:53, jigsaw said:

Doon coursing club had their licence revoked for this season as they got caught netting hares in a nature reserve,,''dont do as I do,do as I say'' comes to mind.

Not illegal to net hares is it :thumbs: they just did nt have permission to net them at that time, and the ICC rightly suspended them for the season

Y.I.S Leeview



Or in that place. That's the thing about the coursing clubs, some of the members think the hares are theirs alone, no matter who's land it is or who's permission they're tresspassing on.

They'll poach hares then attack the person who's permo it is or vandalise their car.

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heres a story THATS TRUE Leeview..I have permission from a farmer friend of mine,i park in his yard and its mountaineous country,not a whole lot there but good for a ramble and sometimes get a run on different quarry.I was out this day,and after 4 hrs walking i was 2 fields from the yard when I noticed a jeep driving on the road and they were obviously watching me and the 2 lurchers.Well I didnt hit the road till I was a few hundred yards from the farm when 5 brave sould sped down to where I was at and they jumped out and started giving me grief cause I was at ''their hares''.I reached the yard and mossie the farmer came out wondering what all the shouting was about,they told the farmer I was hunting and killing their hares.Mossie let em have it.He informed them it was his hares I was after and I was asked to do so,he told em to go fuk off and never set foot on his land again and never to harrass an invited guest again.Boy I didnt half smile as they all climbed back in their jeep and scurry off.My point is ,they thought they had the right to attack me even on land they had no right on,as I said every hare in Ireland belongs to these LANGERS it seem.Their good boys to go mob handed and tackle one or 2 guys or batter rocks through the windows of folks wheels,and then have the audacity to pretend their sports men.Well as they say if it hops it drops,when a dogs loose and a big rabbit jumps up unexpectedly

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