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Ducks Gone Quiet.

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Has anyone noticed a drop off in duck numbers over inland ponds in the last couple of weeks?

Had a few geese come in early about ten days ago, but moved them on, and still no real increase in duck numbers back to our first couple of nights numbers.

Just wondered if anyone else had seen a similar scenario?

I'm in the north east btw.

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No, not particularly late. Shall try it this week though and see what happens, your probably right!

I know the farmer has stayed quite late and claims to see nothing, but he's watching from up on the hill and I just don't think he'd see anything coming in later on.


Have been feeding approx 5 x 25kg sacks barley twice a week (as well as apples and tatties) and there is always some grain left in the shallows when I come to top it up, so its not as if they are being allowed to run out of food.

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I doubt the farmer will see anything coming into that pond looking from high into a dark landscape. Get yourself a flask of coffee and get settled in next week once this moons down and see whats going on. Like you say there's still food for them so there must be another reason. :thumbs:

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Cut the feed down, if there is feed left in the morning you are putting too much in. The duck will know they can come when they want and it will be there. You need them competing for it which will draw them in earlier........at least that's the theory......best of luck.

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ive been feeding a little pond in a wood. Have been putting in barley tailings and rape seed and have between 30 and 40 mallard and teal coming in and this is after only 2 weeks. it will be getting shot this saturday.................

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I know no-one believes my earlier posts but please trust me on this one. Bananas. A friend of mine worked for a wholesaler and things go out of date. Needless to say I asked what was available and lo and behold, Bananas. The ducks love the things and the the best part is they are free. Try it.

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It didn't take Einstein to reach a certain conclusion.LOL. If you scare the buggers off then they ain't gonna come in. Give them some snap and a bit of relaxation and hey ho you'll get results. :thumbs: Watch out for them sneaky little Teal and get to learn the noise from the birds circling before landing for a feed. Have you got a duck call? Oh and by the way, a decent dog working in the twilight is a bonus and a half. Don't forget to pick up your empties young man. :victory:

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