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  moss said:
hello guys

i,m thinking about starting out in falconry, is there any good dvds i can get to learn me the gist of things.

i,m thinking of getting a harris hawk would this be suitable and what stuff would i need.




alright mate,


where abouts are you as you would be better off tagging along with someone first through the season learning a bit about it then looking for nxt years young to train and hunt nxt season!



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hi mate ,read jaspers introduction to falconry at the top of the falconry section then decide what quarry you have to hunt and what terrain to hunt over. most people start out with a harris hawk but not all do .you can read books but then again you can read too much , but if you know anybody who has already got hawks or falcons then see if you can go out with them to see what its all about, but also ask them to show the husbandry side to, because its not just about getting a bird and taking it out hunting. i hope this is of help to you but im very sure there will be some one else with better advice and more experience than me mate, good look let us know how you get on .



regards wag :thumbs:

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i live near durham city, i do know a lot about cage birds as i breed british finchs and have wrote for cage and avairy birds but i,m thinking of the hawk for may be next year,mainly to hunt rabbit but the odd pheasant,partridge or duck would be a bonus

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  moss said:

i live near durham city, i do know a lot about cage birds as i breed british finchs and have wrote for cage and avairy birds but i,m thinking of the hawk for may be next year,mainly to hunt rabbit but the odd pheasant,partridge or duck would be a bonus


Falconry is one of life's greatest pleasures. But bro, I cannot stress enough the importance of finding other Falconers for help/advice when starting out. Trust me. :thumbs: So stalk some local guys and enjoy!

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