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Gaining Permission

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Gaining permission for running dogs     One of the most frequent things I have heard from people new to running dogs is that they are struggling to get permission to actually run their dog and i

I presume by the farmers daughter or wife, not by the farmer himself ?

A Freudian slip ha ha ha Well at least it shows people read my posts, even if it's just to point out something that is possibly wrong

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Gaining permission for running dogs



One of the most frequent things I have heard from people new to running dogs is that they are struggling to get permission to actually run their dog and its a position we've all been in; new to the sport and ending up, all dressed up with no where to go. So hopefully this will give a little insight and perhaps show one greenhorn somewhere what they may not be doing When trying to gain some ground.



First of all you must be prepared to go out and obtain the permission and in my opinion there are three things that are most important when attempting to do so; prior to even asking for permission you should ensure that your dog is properly stock broken and I know the reader is probably thinking, well hes fine with sheep, cattle and horses but it seems to be commonly overlooked that these aren't the only stock on a farm. When walking through the yard most farmers will have cats, chickens and maybe even a duck or goose about, so ensure that your dog is steady with all these so should the farmer wish to see the little lurcher that just happens to be in the car there is no embarrassment and he can see that his livelihood is safe when your around.


A vital part of having permission especially now that the ban is in place is to ensure that the permission is granted in writing thus before even considering to knock a door make the effort to print out some forms incase you should be granted some land it will also make you look more professional. The forms themselves do not need to be complicated, they just need to have your name and number to give to the farmer and space to allow the farm, and the farmer's name and number with a little paragragh explaining the reason for the form.



Finally in regard to preparation is on the day itself, dress smart; im not saying to go wearing a three piece suite but make an effort of sorts, wear smart casual clothes for example casual shirt and tidy jeans or chinos but try to ensure the shirt is plain and of a suitable colour, finally footwear, personally I wear boots or wellies as some farmers will show you around after granting permission and obviously that could include traipsing through all sorts of unpleasant things such as Manure and mud but obviously that is part of the actually process of hunting the farm.Remember failing to prepare is preparing to fail.



So we are all prepared and ready to obtain some permission the next obvious step is to find some farms, the most time consuming process in achieving your goal. The way i have always found farms is to go to the farthest point I would be willing to travel on a regular basis for example perhaps twenty five miles up the dual carriageway, as I could happily go this far on a work night, and then proceed to work towards home meandering through the countryside. When doing this I normally try to go down roads that appear to be less maintained and roads without a post giving a destination in the hope of finding a secluded farm that doesn't get regular visitor's.


You've found the farm, your out of the car with form and pen in hand and have knocked on the door; a gentleman answers, what do you say? Natural instinct may want you to say something along the lines of "hi there, I was wondering if I could hunt on your land" DON'T! Be polite and introduce yourself, " hi sir, my names 'joe bloggs' (offering your hand) I was in the local area and was wondering if you'd be interested in any free pest control?"


Don't be expecting a yes on every farm you visit, infact expect few and then any you do manage to gain is a bonus; the problem is when you knock you don't know if theres anyone already on the land or if the farmer has had a bad experience so don't be put off by no's and just continue to knock doors as seventy five percent of success is showing up after all.



Trying to gain permission is similar to door to door canvassing but obviously not for sales of a product but selling you and your dog as the honest, reliable and efficient duo that you are. Like canvassing you must be ready to overcome objections; if you receive a straight no then ask politely why it's a no, don't be afraid to be flexible in regard to how your going about your hunting and offer to go about things in a different manner until the farmer knows he can trust you. Should he not wish to have people Lamping perhaps offer to ferret or even trap a few moles for him or snare a problem until you've proved you would be more of an asset than a hindrance.



Most importantly just remember to always be polite, patient and don't allow any number of nos to defeat you!

great advise chap I use to do as guy suggests when I was younger . But seems impossible now to get permission due to all the bad press and even harder if your a young lad ,
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Gaining permission for running dogs



One of the most frequent things I have heard from people new to running dogs is that they are struggling to get permission to actually run their dog and its a position we've all been in; new to the sport and ending up, all dressed up with no where to go. So hopefully this will give a little insight and perhaps show one greenhorn somewhere what they may not be doing When trying to gain some ground.



First of all you must be prepared to go out and obtain the permission and in my opinion there are three things that are most important when attempting to do so; prior to even asking for permission you should ensure that your dog is properly stock broken and I know the reader is probably thinking, well hes fine with sheep, cattle and horses but it seems to be commonly overlooked that these aren't the only stock on a farm. When walking through the yard most farmers will have cats, chickens and maybe even a duck or goose about, so ensure that your dog is steady with all these so should the farmer wish to see the little lurcher that just happens to be in the car there is no embarrassment and he can see that his livelihood is safe when your around.


A vital part of having permission especially now that the ban is in place is to ensure that the permission is granted in writing thus before even considering to knock a door make the effort to print out some forms incase you should be granted some land it will also make you look more professional. The forms themselves do not need to be complicated, they just need to have your name and number to give to the farmer and space to allow the farm, and the farmer's name and number with a little paragragh explaining the reason for the form.



Finally in regard to preparation is on the day itself, dress smart; im not saying to go wearing a three piece suite but make an effort of sorts, wear smart casual clothes for example casual shirt and tidy jeans or chinos but try to ensure the shirt is plain and of a suitable colour, finally footwear, personally I wear boots or wellies as some farmers will show you around after granting permission and obviously that could include traipsing through all sorts of unpleasant things such as Manure and mud but obviously that is part of the actually process of hunting the farm.Remember failing to prepare is preparing to fail.



So we are all prepared and ready to obtain some permission the next obvious step is to find some farms, the most time consuming process in achieving your goal. The way i have always found farms is to go to the farthest point I would be willing to travel on a regular basis for example perhaps twenty five miles up the dual carriageway, as I could happily go this far on a work night, and then proceed to work towards home meandering through the countryside. When doing this I normally try to go down roads that appear to be less maintained and roads without a post giving a destination in the hope of finding a secluded farm that doesn't get regular visitor's.


You've found the farm, your out of the car with form and pen in hand and have knocked on the door; a gentleman answers, what do you say? Natural instinct may want you to say something along the lines of "hi there, I was wondering if I could hunt on your land" DON'T! Be polite and introduce yourself, " hi sir, my names 'joe bloggs' (offering your hand) I was in the local area and was wondering if you'd be interested in any free pest control?"


Don't be expecting a yes on every farm you visit, infact expect few and then any you do manage to gain is a bonus; the problem is when you knock you don't know if theres anyone already on the land or if the farmer has had a bad experience so don't be put off by no's and just continue to knock doors as seventy five percent of success is showing up after all.



Trying to gain permission is similar to door to door canvassing but obviously not for sales of a product but selling you and your dog as the honest, reliable and efficient duo that you are. Like canvassing you must be ready to overcome objections; if you receive a straight no then ask politely why it's a no, don't be afraid to be flexible in regard to how your going about your hunting and offer to go about things in a different manner until the farmer knows he can trust you. Should he not wish to have people Lamping perhaps offer to ferret or even trap a few moles for him or snare a problem until you've proved you would be more of an asset than a hindrance.



Most importantly just remember to always be polite, patient and don't allow any number of nos to defeat you!

cracking post
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I have wrote letters, I have knocked on doors, I have offered to help out on the land. What else can I do?

How did you guys obtain your permission? Thanks


I know the feeling! I did all this for years. I had my HW100s for 2 years before getting a rabbiting permission which I took over from a friend. It wasn't until a family member allowed .22lr on his stables in North Kent I got my FAC. My other 3 permissions were just luck! Being in the right place at the right time, a landowner had been let down. That grew into 2 more permissions. So, in conclusion, for me writing letters and visits did not pay off. But don't be disheartened, it's the best approach, keep at it and something will come along.

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