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Gaining Permission

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Gaining permission for running dogs     One of the most frequent things I have heard from people new to running dogs is that they are struggling to get permission to actually run their dog and i

I presume by the farmers daughter or wife, not by the farmer himself ?

A Freudian slip ha ha ha Well at least it shows people read my posts, even if it's just to point out something that is possibly wrong

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just keep at it and eventually you may drop lucky. once you get some then the rest seems to follow easier.


ive got some land i ferret and the one day i parked infront of a different gateway and has i was getting the ferrets collard up a women appeared on the road and asked me to move my car has it was her field and she needed to get in there that day. after i moved the car she asked me what i was doing and once i explained i was at the bottom of her garden ferreting a small warren which produced 3 rabbits and the go ahead to ferret her ground. great start to a day.


edited to say. the only reason i got the first bit of permission in that particular area was because the rabbits had just started to get mixi and the farmer said he would rather i caught them first as they didnt deserve to die from mixi. i had tried that farm many times on and off over a few year period

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Sometimes all you need is just the one landowners permission in an area ,no matter how small, to get the ball rolling.

No harm either to have insurance to show off and once you have that one permission you then have references.

It's hard work to get permissions at times and once got it can be hard work to keep them.


For example, we were out yesterday and spent 20 minutes backfilling a four foot hole that some cowboy was too lazy to backfill. It's little things like that.

Good luck.

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Get ferreting permission first, ask the farmer do you want me to ring when I am going to your farm to ferret, soon he see what great job your doing bring all the rabbits to the van, get chatting with him if he aint busy, soon get to trust you and ask could you do bit lamping to get rabbits off road hedges and you won't lamp where there is livestock, always respect the land and ring whenever you go, don't do silly things lamping around the house all hours, but the trick for me is get ferreting permission first, farmer tells every other farmer about you they will be mad for you to sort there problem, then after trust is build up ask can you lamp, always say thanks,I can now lamp every where I ferret except horse studs, common scene don't ask they won't let you lamp horse studs......

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I never had or wanted permission in my younger days, but later on I had 20 farms most of them letting me on with the dogs

I got these doing moles, I was the mole man for 15 years, it's a good way to get permission, and you get laid for doing the moles too

Edited by Omanyra
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I have wrote letters, I have knocked on doors, I have offered to help out on the land. What else can I do?

How did you guys obtain your permission? Thanks

just keep trying , never easy as land owners get guys paying for shooting ,and gamekeeper don't want you on there land guess that why there is so much poaching hope u get some mate . U just need to decide where u go if you don't get any !
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