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Anybody Go Foxing When Its Frosty?

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I went out last night and bagged 2. I've found that now some of the fields have been ploughed and it's damp the foxes love to scavenge for worms mate. I've also found that they aren't responding to calls very well at the moment. I currently just drive the land until I spot one then try and give a squeak to stop it then take it out ;)


Happy hunting Chris

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If you're struggling in the dark and with the frost, try and ambush your fox using a shotgun. Bit more field craft involved but the feeling after a successful attempt is very satisfying.

Edited by cragman
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Just got in only went out for a couple of hours but managed two foxes

Well I was wrong about not being able to call them in! We were on foot and started on a old wheat stubble turned lamp on and saw charlie about 150 ish yards, I don't know why but tried a squeak even though I could of shot it but anyway I had to shout to stop it and rolled it backwards at fifty yards! Was one of this years a little vixen,

Next was a dog fox, we picked up some eyes about 300 yards away on some sheep feed turnips, tried calling it but no joy, , couldn't be 100 percent it was a fox so left it, but you no when you get that feeling something is about well turned the lamp around and there was another about 80 yards just sat there so he had it

Both shot with rws 55 grain soft points

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It's one of them things, I avoid bright frosty nights as that was what was driven into me by my dad, but when I have gone out I have had some good foxes,(I have had some bad nights as well) I think it affects Rabbiting ,a lot more than foxing, however you have to be a lot more careful, noise wise, and movement, also silhouette wise,

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I'm on tonight, but from the bedroom window! We had a bad Fox attack couple of nights ago, killed 15 fowl and four ducks, put all the dead down at my hundred yard killing areas pegged down. Plenty of moon tonight and no cloud, 56mm sidewinder turned down to 10x, foxy, meet Mr .308 loaded with hornandy tac,s.

Hopefully the barsteward will pop in for a snack.

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