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Calls To Abolish Remembrance Sunday.......

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will be riding up to the cenotaph with all the scooter lads same as every year,loads of us are ex forces couldn't think of a better way to spend the day,ride of respect and remembrance is what its all about,quite a sight really and glad to be part of it

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He should be made to stand beside the Cenotaph and explain himself to every one of the veterans, of all ages, who attend........they are better men than he will ever be !

will be riding up to the cenotaph with all the scooter lads same as every year,loads of us are ex forces couldn't think of a better way to spend the day,ride of respect and remembrance is what its all

sadly gone always REMEMBERED. lest we forget.   the tosser/s who want to abolish it need linching.   as maxhardcore says wear your Poppy with Pride and Remember ALL those that have FALLEN.

Let's have it right in the last few years there has been attacks on poppy sellers and the burning of the poppy emblems . Basically by certain members of our country it's making them look bad and making it harder for the media brain washers to sell them as peaceful people . So what do they do , well instead of the getting harsh on those that are against us and our country no instead they put out calls for us to ban our traditions c**ts they are ? ! Sorry rant over .

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He is an idiot. WWI and then WWII were immense and will not be forgotten for another 200 years at least. It is is also very appropriate to remember the fallen from smaller conflicts since then instead of having lots of different dates.

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Can't quite believe some of the stuff I've just read..., and I mean on here, not in Kettle's article. Whilst I don't necessarily agree with everything he's written, I think he has got a point. And having read the article twice I couldn't find the bit where he called to 'abolish Remembrance Sunday'. The title of the article is also a bit misleading I thought. Before commenting you should also actually read the article fully..., and without the Breitbart slant.


I agree that Remembrance Sunday, and they way we mark the moment that the Great War ended, will not be observed in the same way in years to come. If you believe that the great and the good will line up and lay wreaths at the Cenotaph for a live broadcast, or that people will turn out in numbers around their local memorials, say 500 years from now, then I think you're nuts.


And before you all lay into me and trot out the usual insults, that doesn't mean I'm looking to 'abolish Remembrance Sunday' either, it's just what I believe will happen in the future. And it's fcuk all to do with appeasing or pandering to immigrants or 'them' either. In 100 years time you'll ask a kid in the street when the Great War took place..., or who we fought in WW2, and you'll get the same blank expression as you'd get if you walked onto the average council estate in England today and asked a kid when and who fought at Agincourt.


When Kettle talks of 'oppressive rituals' I don't think he means the laying of wreaths or the wearing of the poppy but in the way it's begun to feel very contrived and forced..., and no longer genuine and heartfelt..., not with the likes of the man on the street selling poppies in the wind and the rain, but with the likes of the seemingly obligatory wearing of poppies on our TV screens for about a month at this time of year and the red tops competing to outdo each other in the 'patriotic games'.

I posted on a similar thread last year (where the usual suspects were getting all hot and bothered about some TV presenter's 'lack of respect' for our country') about the BBC's (now fairly well publicised) policy of sticking a poppy on everyone who appears on screen. Not, I believe, out of respect for the fallen, but out of a sense of political correctness and fear of upsetting someone to the point they'll send a strongly worded letter to Points of View. Long term, that sort of thing can only threaten the integrity and future of the poppy.


Everyone living in this country and enjoying the liberty afforded them owes a debt of gratitude to those that died in those world wars. I certainly feel it, but I won't be dictated to in terms of how I express that gratitude. I don't need 'The Sun' to tell me how to love my country or to wear some poxy fcukin wristband along with all the other plastic patriots.

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pesky1972 - you are right about the original article , which quite frankly is a rubbish piece imo, although it clearly does not call to abolish Remembrance Day. Personally I misunderstood the link in the original post and thought it was an article written by the Guardian themselves commenting on their own opinion columns. Who are or what is Brietbart anyway?

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I'm a big supporter of Remembrance day, be it in my own country or abroad. I feel that I owe my freedom to all the young guys and girls who gave their best and their lives to let me live in freedom.

I understand that ancient history like the battle of Agincourt has lost it place in this, but looking at the world of conflict the past hundred years I will be remembering the offers all the people made for freedom. Although I think that a lot of the arguments to legitimize battle weren't as noble or valid as they should have been (here politics and politicians come in) , but the soldiers who went into WW1 & WW2, Korea , Irak and Aghanistan did this with their best intentions and bravoury. Out of respect for their offers I remember them.


The same problem Pesky sees is going around in the Netherlands (the meaning of Remembrance day could get lost by future generations) , Remembrance day is not longer solely about the victims of WW2, but has been changed in a day to remember Freedom in it's widest sense. At school children learn that freedom is something very precious; so precious you sometimes even have to fight to secure it for future generations. Freedom is the right to live the life you want, with the utmost respect for others to live their lives the way they want.( Political and fundamentalism ) tyranny wants to upset that rule, and force you in something you don't want. Oppressing tyranny is what all those soldiers gave their lives for and what I will Remember !


Lest not forget

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I'm a big supporter of Remembrance day, be it in my own country or abroad. I feel that I owe my freedom to all the young guys and girls who gave their best and their lives to let me live in freedom.

I understand that ancient history like the battle of Agincourt has lost it place in this, but looking at the world of conflict the past hundred years I will be remembering the offers all the people made for freedom. Although I think that a lot of the arguments to legitimize battle weren't as noble or valid as they should have been (here politics and politicians come in) , but the soldiers who went into WW1 & WW2, Korea , Irak and Aghanistan did this with their best intentions and bravoury. Out of respect for their offers I remember them.


The same problem Pesky sees is going around in the Netherlands (the meaning of Remembrance day could get lost by future generations) , Remembrance day is not longer solely about the victims of WW2, but has been changed in a day to remember Freedom in it's widest sense. At school children learn that freedom is something very precious; so precious you sometimes even have to fight to secure it for future generations. Freedom is the right to live the life you want, with the utmost respect for others to live their lives the way they want.( Political and fundamentalism ) tyranny wants to upset that rule, and force you in something you don't want. Oppressing tyranny is what all those soldiers gave their lives for and what I will Remember !


Lest not forget



That's long gone in this country.


The political implications blah blah blah supporting unnecessary wars blah blah blah.


I view it simply as a way of honoring the war dead of Britain,no matter what war.

Just like the white poppy is a way of shaming cowards,then and now.

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