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Specialist Rabbiting Dog..

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What a cracking thread.   I wanted a rabbiting dog, a ferreting companion more than anything I do like my lamping but wanted to concentrate more on daytime work. I knew what I wanted and in time the

I'm probably going to upset someone or other.   But I think if the dog can work the lamp, runs well enough and has a strike.   It's all down to two things - stamina and number of rabbits on the gr

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We bell 1/2whippet 1/4greyhound 1/4 beddy hopefully make a good we rabbit dog attachicon.gifimage-13.jpg

We bell 1/2whippet 1/4greyhound 1/4 beddy hopefully make a good we rabbit dog attachicon.gifimage-13.jpg

We bell 1/2whippet 1/4greyhound 1/4 beddy hopefully make a good we rabbit dog attachicon.gifimage-13.jpg

We bell 1/2whippet 1/4greyhound 1/4 beddy hopefully make a good we rabbit dog attachicon.gifimage-13.jpg


She's looking well northenlite hope she manges those rocks like her half sister...it not the big rocks at night it the ones that carpet the feild where iam at grass level.that hurts her half sister feet takes a lot of knocking on those big nights..



Edited by MR RABBIT
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iv tried few different types, and what iv found is, most crosses can and will do job if you put in enough effort, but I'm a part timer and don't expect too much from my bunny bashers lol

Stop being geeky

Ha ha

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what gets me about all this cross talk is how much alike is my colliex and your colliex, my terrierx and your terrierx. Thats part reason I never really get or had 2 of same type, its not I'm chasing summat better I just be gutted if I got another saluki/coll/grey and it wasn't the same as last one lol and also no matter how much your out with them you still ned to live with them, and iv found the bst dogs in the field aint always the best dogs to have around house or yard, my best dogs aint been my fave. Also I never had the chance to view a litter from day dot, and pick pup I wanted first, always took what was left or available and they have all caught bunnies, I dont know if id call em specialist bunny bashers, but that's what they do with me around 95% time so wether bred for that purpose or got in as a punt thats what they are if there actions dictate a name lol


Always makes me chuckle when somebody say's "you want a collie/grey x beddy/whippet/grey" or some such x. You usually get much of a muchness with two breeds, like collie x grey...........beddy x grey...........but put 3 or 4, 5 different breeds together and its a lottery, must be a hell of a lot of lads out there that don't understand how chromosones work, cutting the available genes down by line breeding is the only way to reproduce that same thing over and over, anything else is very random.

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this bitch was an outstanding rabbit dog had pace to burn and the best strike i ever seen could turn like a whippet,lamping ferreting bushing was outstandng at all them,was a good hare dog to,and took a few reds every now and again,still gutted over her getting out of my yard,and some c**t picked her up and never to be seen again.

post-32721-099649300 1279380630_thumb.jpg


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There's been some good dogs that can put a lot of tackle away in a session hasn't there what ever the quarry and credit were it's due to both dog and owner as said the gears gotta be put infront of it and the dog deliver the goods but there's a few variables, one is some might just be doing this once or maybe even twice a week which still can take some doing but the dog does then have time to rest recuperate and recover until the next big shift were as you might get a dog that's able to and do this heavy work 3 n 4 times a week through the season and remain sound and even better do this into old age,now that takes some doing and a special type of dog and owner to manage this and Iv only ever known and seen 1 or 2 to achieve this..

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The style of rabbiting that you are doing will often dictate the calibre of lurcher that you need...

I only have a quiet mouch about these days,...so I have bred the type of roustabout cur, that suits my general mind set,.. and advanced age .... :laugh:


An interesting thread..

Edited by Phil Lloyd
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The ultimate coney catcher belongs to the man who puts the most infront of the mutt... Give a certain type of fella , any type of lurcher and he,ll make it special, or as special as that type of dog can be..

yep :thumbs: and one from proven working parents also got help ,what ever the x .both my 2 dogs are very good on rabbbits, and neither are what you call rabbit size dogs, but have put a fair few rabbits in front of them over the years. as above it catching them regular that makes a good rabbit dog (practice ) is the word not the type :yes:

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When I was reading this and thinking about the dogs I've I never realised all bar two had collie in them I don't know why but I'm think or hoping my next dog in a year or so will be a 3/4collie hound this sort of the dog I'd like and even a smallish deerhound type come to think of it once they catch something in happy. Haha but all mine have been no bigger than 24"25" not small not to big

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I'm breeding some 3/4 whippet 1/4 springers when my bitch comes in season, was going to use a 3/4 whippet 1/4 beddy stud, but had a change of heart after seeing some pups to a full beddy out of her litter sister. Should be decent rabbit/ferreting dogs? Personally i'll be keeping one that goes more to the spaniel (if i get any like that?) for some more specialised work, might crash and burn, but you can only try your best?

If their sensibly priced you won't have no trouble shifting the whippety looking ones ,should make good ferreting /fast bushers.

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