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Caught Trespassing


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it wont even get to court , they cant do you for out other than getting your bird back ,

Trespass is not a criminal offence as others have said so it would be up to the old gits to go to the trouble of bringing a private prosecution under civil law, and then they would have to prove you c

TRESPASS on its own is NOT a CRIMINAL offence, It's a CIVIL MATTER. Therefore the police cannot bring the matter to a criminal court. Trespass can be a factor in other crimes, i.e. if you were carryin

  On 23/10/2015 at 20:57, harrishawkcluck said:

Goshawk are protected in the wild and are also afforded the same status in captivee so if old fcker shot her could of dun I'm

Yeah they don't shoot them then wave them infront of you shouting "it was me".....

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  • 4 weeks later...

Trespass is not a criminal offence as others have said so it would be up to the old gits to go to the trouble of bringing a private prosecution under civil law, and then they would have to prove you cost them something. Don't worry, you won't hear back from this one ever.

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TRESPASS on its own is NOT a CRIMINAL offence, It's a CIVIL MATTER. Therefore the police cannot bring the matter to a criminal court. Trespass can be a factor in other crimes, i.e. if you were carrying a gun, (armed trespass), intending to commit an act of theft, damage, or threats to kill, (burglary) etc, etc. The landowner (not the shooters) in this case could possibly take the matter to a civil court, but this is highly unlikely due to the high costs for little gained.

DO NOT worry about it.


Edited by 0395kenyon
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Benn caught in similar circumstances had too go looking for bird that went on land we had no permission tone on few of us went looking n got caught just after we found hawk we got arrested interviews etc accused of asirts went to court explained why we where there case dismissed it did not help we had had lurchers as well as a pointer you will be fine mate use a solicitor

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  • 5 weeks later...

Trespass is a civil,not criminal offence,are they saying you committed any criminal damage whilst on their property? As that is the only criminal offence you could be charged with, this sounds very odd to me indeed,as others have stated wait for the summons,which I suspect may never arrive, and speak to a field sports savvy lawyer, are you in any shooting/field sports organisations IE BASC or Countryside alliance? As they will provide advice.

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