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Ayam Cemani Update

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They're shaping up nicely, lost one to a leg problem (was a rooster).


Rest doing well, unbelievably friendly - surprising as they're supposed to be very bad around humans and flighty.


Not these bunch, sit on your hand let you handle them easy.


Roughly around 8-10 weeks must count up their exact age! Still very small.






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Thanks :) they're doing good. The one with the leg was a huge disappointment - tried for 2 weeks fixing it, got its feet back to the shape with "shoes" but the leg seemed to be coming from the hip. Wasn't splay leg or anything curable that I could find.


They have went really dark, when they were growing you seen the odd bit of colour and I panicked but the more they grew the darker they got. The hen in the last picture is really nice, blackest skin out of them all.


Been busy trying to sort sheds etc out for winter to put animals indoors hence the late update :laugh:

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