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Sorted em out today lads and lasses.

Bumper crop round here never done it but ill give it a go

We have 5ltrs to drain next month then set some more away,it's been bottled for 3mths end of January I've still got enough in the freezer for another 8ltrs and the ones to drain and set again.

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Been having a look for some sloes today the blackthorn bushes up here in the north east have got nothing but leaves on them, does anyone know if this has been a poor year for them or what ?

They will of been had off other people mate,ya to late I've just been out the back last week end and got the dregs what people had left.but made 3ltrs so well chuffed and I've got some damsons to do 2ltrs more so I'm sorted.

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Well i've been out this afternoon and found myself a good few sloes, think i'll make 3 litres for my first attempt. Watched the piss take poaching dvd a while ago and the man on that added a tin of strawberries to his mix to sweeten it up, i was wondering if this could be done instead of adding sugar, anyone ever tried it ?

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Well i've been out this afternoon and found myself a good few sloes, think i'll make 3 litres for my first attempt. Watched the piss take poaching dvd a while ago and the man on that added a tin of strawberries to his mix to sweeten it up, i was wondering if this could be done instead of adding sugar, anyone ever tried it ?

I wouldn't want to waste my gin incase it's crap mate.

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Yes mate i think i'll just keep it simple for my first attempt, just got back from nightshift and took the dogs for their walk and found bucket loads of sloes just round the corner from where i live lol so no need to go short, also does it make much difference if you use brewing sugar rather than normal sugar, when i've made beer the normal sugar is no good as it makes the beer acidic

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Been having a look for some sloes today the blackthorn bushes up here in the north east have got nothing but leaves on them, does anyone know if this has been a poor year for them or what ?

Sloes were early this year mate i picked a load in august never known anything like it.

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