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Dogs With Cropped Ears

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hi since iv'e moved to the other side of the pond iv'e noticed the pit bulls, dobermans, great danes, and boxers all have there ears cropped, i neither like it nor dislike it, my wife hates it and thinks it's cruel, i don't know if it's done to make it look the part or for better air flow, i just wondered what other peoples thoughts were, if you like the look or not,

mind you there are two pit bulls opposite us and two down the lane and they do have a mean look about them with there ears done.



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I guess Danny Burton,Mayfield,Crenshaw etc all missed a trick there.......if only there had been some rap kid gang bangers around to pass them on that info

Higgins knew the score......

heres a bitch i had that came cropped,never liked her ears and drew a lot of attention i could have done without

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In most breeds its done for the look, the APBT's were cropped originaly because cut ears bleed like feck and that can weaken a dog when the chips are down but if they are just general backyard bulldogs then, like other breeds, it's just for looks... Sadly!

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In most breeds its done for the look, the APBT's were cropped originaly because cut ears bleed like feck and that can weaken a dog when the chips are down but if they are just general backyard bulldogs then, like other breeds, it's just for looks... Sadly!

I know a lot of old dog men didn't see the point in cropping ears because at the end of the day you'd rather it's opponent was hanging off its ear than another more vital area.


I think it's a 100% cosmetic decision.

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If its a working dog yes if a pet then im guessing no. Does a dog with cropped ears not perform as good as a dog uncropped

as i said, it exposes the inner ear to damage, i don't see that as a bonus in a working dog....as for pets, why would you want to cut the ears of of your pet dog??? oh, to make it look hard...dear me...


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