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Went out lamping last we left early only local wanted to be home early in the first field at about half 7 hit another field at 8 ish the night was going well all of a sudden about 5 police cars pull up at the gate van and the game keeper so we walk over we were only lamping a few rabbits long story short they keep us at the roadside for 2 hours searched us tried to take the motor which never went near a field no criminal damage but there doing us for trespassing and poaching Took the dogs which is the worst thing wish they nicked me then Take me dog they said they won't no if il get her back don't no what ere they have take. Them or nothing game keeper was a c**t as well saying he's seen and spoke to us before what a liar never seen him in my life also lads he said that lamping any game after dark was illegal even with permission I think this sport is going to get tougher for us all any advice on how to get my dog back will be greatly appreciated thanks

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If you keep on going to the same area,....you really are upping the odds of getting a pull....   It is difficult getting permission (that part of Hampshire is partridge shooting country)...and also

The second rule of poaching club, is never write an on line confession.   Or ask for 20 other offences to be taken into consideration.

ffs why didn't you run , instead of going over too them,if I was poaching I be heading the opposite way if your going too get caught do it properly

You ain't getting your dog back matey,amazed the motor never went too..I've lost both, huge fines,banned from keeping hunting dogs,electronic tag etc for lesser than you did..you've gotta work inside the hunting guidelines since the ban came into effect or basically your just playing Russian roulette..all these cnuts saying fcuk the ban won't be saying that when they fall foul of the law because they will if they continue as they are and think they are above the law and become ruthless with their ethics towards hunting..its bad craic buddy and like I say I'm talking from experience not just hearsay..keep on keeping on ?

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Real over kill that for lads that are out for a few rabbits especially when there's so much trash doing much worse things walking the streets but as Paul said 7 30 abit silly but to be honest I have done it myself in the past, shame about your dog hope you get her back..

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Not sure how they can take your dogs off you if you are only get done for trespass surely to take your dogs off you they would have to prove you where using them for illegal purposes such as in the pursuit of illegal quarry. Where you caught with any game? Or did the police see you chasing anything? A decent solicitor might be able to get your dogs back....

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  On 22/10/2015 at 07:26, johnny boy68 said:

Probably charged with trespass in the pursuit of game............not 100% sure but don't rabbits become game once your poaching?

Yes :thumbs:

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All ways hear mention of that solicitor clive rees on here for field sports issues ?

Must be a sickener for you and I wouldn't waste a second getting the ball rolling fingers crossed you get it back.


On another note bit puzzled why people go on keepered land who job it is or part of to catch folks you are really upping the anti. Not like some old farmer who see a light on his land and thinks sod that its a just a local after a rabbit as long as he hasn't had grief and goes back to sleep

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likely they'll have the arsepca "inspect" the dogs and will have the dogs kept on health grounds and you'd better be hoping that the only mammals on that ground are bunnies or they'll be trumping that one up as well.

Real shame for the dogs.

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  On 22/10/2015 at 08:01, Dan25 said:

We didn't have any game on us and we only caught a few rabbits thing is iv been there 20 times never a problem fingers crossed it don't look good though

where abouts are you ,? not that it makes any differnce , just curious .

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