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Air Arms Pro Elite

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These were on-ticket FAC only and a beautiful looking rifle and shot really well for an FAC-tuned recoiling spring rifle. Much better than Theoben Eliminator for higher powered air rifles on ticket. They should have made a sub-12 ft/lb version, it would have been a serious rival for the HW80. As it is, the HW80 on ticket is an incredible rifle.

Air Arms seem to have taken some puzzling decisions over their spring rifle productions over the years. No left-handed Prosport available and then, after a very brief short run of left-handed stocks, they scrapped it. Their Khamsin was a nice-looking spring rifle that disappeared after a short life on the shelf.

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These were on-ticket FAC only and a beautiful looking rifle and shot really well for an FAC-tuned recoiling spring rifle. Much better than Theoben Eliminator for higher powered air rifles on ticket. They should have made a sub-12 ft/lb version, it would have been a serious rival for the HW80. As it is, the HW80 on ticket is an incredible rifle.


Air Arms seem to have taken some puzzling decisions over their spring rifle productions over the years. No left-handed Prosport available and then, after a very brief short run of left-handed stocks, they scrapped it. Their Khamsin was a nice-looking spring rifle that disappeared after a short life on the shelf.

Cheers mate I didnt realise they were only mad for the FAC market,hopefully it still shoots well at sub 12.

Would it just be a matter of a different spring or more to it to make it sub 12?


Yeah someone in their marketing department has some off days I think!

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Ahh..The question here is, do you have an FAC and have you transferred this rifle to your licence? This is where you rreally need to be careful engr82. I'm going out on a limb of my memory of these rifles, so forgive me if I could be wrong here.

But the Pro Elite was, I believe, a purpose-built air rifle for FAC holders only. At some point this Pro Elite will have been sold new to someone with an FAC. As far as I'm aware, ALL of Air Arms' Pro Elites sold in the UK were made for the FAC air-rifle market and ALL of them were set well above the 12 ft/lb limit. I certainly remember seeing them advertised on Uttings shop adverts with "FAC Holders Only" tagged with the picture of it. I can definitely remember seeing a chap buy one at a shop I was at and he had to produce his FAC to the owners before they took his payment for it.

This means that, even though your Pro Elite might now have been detuned to sub 12 ft/lbs output, your rifle will still be classed as a Catagory Firearm by the Police. The rule of Law here is, once an air rifle has been registered as a certificated firearm, it stays that way forever, regardless of what it is later detuned to or not. And it is still ilegal to buy/sell a licenced firearm without the licence.

I hope I've got this wrong because I don't want to see you get in any trouble. Does anyone else here know for certain about these rifles being solely for on-ticket sales only?

To detune one is simple enough, you can change the spring of course, or heat and collapse a few coils in the existing spring or remove a few. Air Arms used a more powerful spring for their FAC rifles but replacing it with a less powerful one is easy to do. A steel Top Hat and steel spring guide may well also have be used to cope better with the higher recoil forces than nylon ones. But that's not the point when dealing with an air rifle that has to be continued on a licence, regardless of its power.

But if you have an FAC and it's been transferred properly with the knowledge of your police firearms bods, then you're fine with it.

Sorry to sound like an old fart clucking away but, I guess I'm getting on and going that way! And I just don't want to see a decent lad getting in trouble.


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These were on-ticket FAC only and a beautiful looking rifle and shot really well for an FAC-tuned recoiling spring rifle. Much better than Theoben Eliminator for higher powered air rifles on ticket. They should have made a sub-12 ft/lb version, it would have been a serious rival for the HW80. As it is, the HW80 on ticket is an incredible rifle.


Air Arms seem to have taken some puzzling decisions over their spring rifle productions over the years. No left-handed Prosport available and then, after a very brief short run of left-handed stocks, they scrapped it. Their Khamsin was a nice-looking spring rifle that disappeared after a short life on the shelf.

Cheers mate I didnt realise they were only mad for the FAC market,hopefully it still shoots well at sub 12.

Would it just be a matter of a different spring or more to it to make it sub 12?


Yeah someone in their marketing department has some off days I think!



Does this mean your gun is registered FAC some were? Or did they punt out some sub 12's, just thinking in case you get a pull.

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As always, piano man is an encyclopaedia :) a credit to the forum.


But I'm inclined to agree with TC above. I know of 3 elites built from new below 12. AA would of been even more ludicrous not to release what is theeee best looking break barrel for the ticket only. Having said that, they did the PS right hand only, so I have no idea. Neither do they, it would seem.

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Ahh..The question here is, do you have an FAC and have you transferred this rifle to your licence? This is where you rreally need to be careful engr82. I'm going out on a limb of my memory of these rifles, so forgive me if I could be wrong here.


But the Pro Elite was, I believe, a purpose-built air rifle for FAC holders only. At some point this Pro Elite will have been sold new to someone with an FAC. As far as I'm aware, ALL of Air Arms' Pro Elites sold in the UK were made for the FAC air-rifle market and ALL of them were set well above the 12 ft/lb limit. I certainly remember seeing them advertised on Uttings shop adverts with "FAC Holders Only" tagged with the picture of it. I can definitely remember seeing a chap buy one at a shop I was at and he had to produce his FAC to the owners before they took his payment for it.


This means that, even though your Pro Elite might now have been detuned to sub 12 ft/lbs output, your rifle will still be classed as a Catagory Firearm by the Police. The rule of Law here is, once an air rifle has been registered as a certificated firearm, it stays that way forever, regardless of what it is later detuned to or not. And it is still ilegal to buy/sell a licenced firearm without the licence.


I hope I've got this wrong because I don't want to see you get in any trouble. Does anyone else here know for certain about these rifles being solely for on-ticket sales only?


To detune one is simple enough, you can change the spring of course, or heat and collapse a few coils in the existing spring or remove a few. Air Arms used a more powerful spring for their FAC rifles but replacing it with a less powerful one is easy to do. A steel Top Hat and steel spring guide may well also have be used to cope better with the higher recoil forces than nylon ones. But that's not the point when dealing with an air rifle that has to be continued on a licence, regardless of its power.


But if you have an FAC and it's been transferred properly with the knowledge of your police firearms bods, then you're fine with it.


Sorry to sound like an old fart clucking away but, I guess I'm getting on and going that way! And I just don't want to see a decent lad getting in trouble.





Well now you have me worried mate as no I dont have my FAC and assumed it is a sub 12 because he never said its FAC and never ask if I had.

It was advertised on the Air arms fb page and free ads so im guessing he would have to be stupid to sell an illegal rifle.


Im sure it is sub 12 but the first thing I do with be checking on my chrony.

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If you look at the advert photo of the rifle on the 1st page of this thread, it indicates a batch made for the US and European markets are for FAC holders.

If Air Arms made the Pro Elite available in any number set at sub-12 ft/lbs you have nothing to worry about fella. But they made a lot of this rifle as an FAC model set at about 20 ft/lbs in .22. Whether the limits set on .177 and .20 versions were for the FAC market also, there's nothing to say for certain.

I've just had a cast about the net and it would seem, from some forums and sales sites there was a number made and set for sub 12 requiring no licence..


This is another example of Air Arms being unable to be absolutely clear and understandable on what they are doing with production runs of their own rifles. But if your rifle gets pulled by the Police for whatever reason, they might not be so well informed either.

Maybe an email to Air Arms with all numbers and details of your Pro Elite would be the best thing to clarify the situation regarding your rifle. Better safe than sorry. :thumbs:

Best regards.

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Yeah Air arms Don't seem to do things in a clear and logical way do they!


That picture on the first page could have just been knocked up by someone who doesnt know there stuff,I know theres plenty sub 12's PE's about so either the info is wrong or they have all been tuned down.


I will check the power Firstly then email the serial number to AA to find out some info in the rifle.


Hopefully its all legit and hopefully parcel force get around to actually delivering it!

Things always go slower when your clock watching,lol.


Many thanks


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  • 1 year later...

Hi pianoman, the air arms p e was available in the uk as a sub 12ftbls rifle. I brought it from new in the days that you could have them posted to you! It is a lovely gun but very heavy. it can also have problems like the piston seal coming off, but in all a heavy but well made rifle. I would like to shoot the fac one then the weight could be justified.

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There was a sub-12 FPE Pro Elite on sale at my local gunshop a while ago. A hefty rifle but that's needed for balance and poise on aim at your shoulder with a hefty break-barel spring rifle like this.. And to help stifle the recoil as much as possible.


Definitely one of the great air rifles of the last twenty years in my humble opinion. And if you can sort out an FAC and buy one on ticket or, tune it yourself, it would make a fantastic magnum gun.


Never heard a bad word said about this rifle but, I'm not sure if it was ever made in a left-hand version for shooters like me.

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i had a go on an elite a while back in sub 12 .22 calibre, and to be honest i wasnt that impressed with it-mainly because it felt like it was merely coughing the pellet out, like it was shooting it in slow motion... i think it was because it didnt have to work at all at the lower power level, rather than banging them out at fac levels. i suspect a .177 version would be a bit snappier but never tried one. lovely build quality, good weight and balance but just not as awesome as i was hoping.

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