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Raised Kennels

Guest Navek

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Some of the pictures i have seen of facebook tells a different storey for these raised rabbit hutches lol they were coverd in shite and looked very cramped. Id say the wood could soak in the piss also so might hold a smell. Not my idea of a dog pne . Poor dogs...

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I can see the point in them when you have snakes etc to worry about. But can't see the point in a raised kennel and run in the UK.

Raised beds are a different matter. All my beds are raised. Keeps them off the concrete and easy for me to rinse down every day.

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Yes same with mine Cargol. Concrete runs but the actual kennel is raised off the floor so they can be swilled out properly every morning and also keeps the draught out the dogs kennel. Them slat things look very cruel and cramped to me, and like has been said it boils down to the owners laziness of not seeing to the dogs regular and not being arsed to clean them out daily IMO.

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I can see why you'd use them if like Marcos you've got to worry about venomous snakes, safety has to come before comfort :thumbs:


But using them if you don't have that particular worry just scream laziness to me, they're the same as those mesh bottomed rabbit hutches meat breeders use, cuts down on cleaning time at the expense of the animals comfort.


Saying they're "cleaner" than a traditional kennel is bullshit, a slab bottomed kennel that can be swilled out daily is going to be 1000x cleaner than wooden slats that have piss and shite soaked into them.

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Cement is very bad for the dogs feet. Wood is much better. Good earth is best on the dogs feet, joints and skin but a good plastic mesh floor is very soft on the feet from what I've been told. Like I say, you should be running your dogs out of whatever kennel they're living in. Kennel isn't for exercise, its for rest.

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I don't know about "good earth" being the best flooring to keep a dog on, it leads to splayed feet in my experience :yes: and over here it'd be a mudbath for 2/3 of the year


It's pea gravel on chainspots and slab bases in kennels for me :thumbs:

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