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Steel Situation

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British projects should use British Made Steel


Yes it would cost more initially

But it's of a much higher quality that would be much stronger and durable so lasting longer.


It would also keep British Workers in jobs

Keep Community's Together ect


Cameron and Osbourne could t give a Flying so long as their pockets are lined.


Well I never thought I'd see the day, I'm in 100% agreement with max :laugh:

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I was earning decent money in the steelworks for 17 years before being made redundant. I never did overtime, never wanted it, but some lads were getting paid £50k a year with overtime for doing very l

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we bailed bankers out, why not steel workers?


Because a banking crises would kill the country, it would affect every one of us badly. A crises in any other minor industry not so much. It's not fair, it's not supposed to be, but it's the way it is. Strategic decisions have to be ruthless.


I work in an industry that's not exactly healthy right now and my old man is being laid off as a result of the collapsing steel industry, shit happens unfortunately....

Edited by Born Hunter
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I was speaking to the political editor of the times the other week after he'd just come back from that Tory thing in Manchester . Anyway talking to him about troubles in my trade and he let slip just how corrupt the Tories really are , I won't go into details but they seem like they want to f**k over any trade regardless . In London working class lads over the years we lost the docks the print and now it looks like I won't have s trade in the future !

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I do understand that, but steel ships and ect were what made this country great. Just a hard pill to swallow


A f***ing hard pill to swallow! Look at how the defence and nuclear industries have reduced in size over the past 50 years, these are industries people with a similar background to me would quite naturally fall into and do with a bit of nationalistic pride. To the man on the street it all seems so obvious, but to the man at the top making strategic decisions while trying to appease the electorate it all looks very different I'm sure.

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u/k just cant compeat with the far east and india wage wise there labour costs are a third of the uk se rvice industry britain !!!.just a silly example i can buy wood direct from australia including postage .cheaper than i can buy it in the u/k /

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I'm an Estimator for a Structural Steel business so deal with the pricing of steel on a daily basis. Seems the whole situation is being blamed on China (which I agree are a big part of the issue) but it's also a lot of other European countries manufacturing and supplying the steel at a fraction of the cost of UK alternatives.. Maybe something the EU should be looking at??


The steel which we buy in has come down in price around 20% over the past 12 months or so, which on the scale of things is a large amount. It would be good if UK businesses were supporting local steel suppliers and doing there bit but unfortunately the bigger steel fabricators just source the cheapest materials possible to maximise profits, which then in turn forces the smaller companies to do the same to allow them to compete with the larger businesses to keep themselves going.


In my opinion the steel industry is only going to go one way, similar to supermarkets, with the few 'big fish' controlling the markets by maximising output/sales at smaller profit margins making it almost impossible for the smaller guys to stand a chance. It's a shame but unfortunately out of our control.

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Born ' more like a Banking Crises would kill off Politicians Family Fortunes.


It's them and us.


That's the situation

That's how they want it


Play the game as best you can on a individual level


But on a Regional Level IMO the NE needs a Regional Assembley looking after our own Interests.


If that's how you see it then fair enough, but I don't agree at all. :thumbs:


Some industries are more important to this country than others, somebody has to make those decisions. Some industries aren't competitive in their modern market place. It's shit but that's business. I'm living with it and trying not to let my judgements get clouded with emotion.

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there is absolutly no point whatsoever producing steel . or anything else in the uk if we cant compete in the global market place .with the age of the internet its so simple to sourse products and compare prices just a click away ..

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I worked in port Talbot steel works for a year, by fook it was grim, I proper feel for the men that have went to work there ever day and slogged there guts out, to be treated like this now. Fooking damn shame

I can see scrap going back to the days when you had to pay to take it away to be honest also



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The thing is Rio wouldn't you think it makes sense for British Projects to use British Steel

It's the Best in the World

It's worth paying more for to get a much better end product and in doing so keep Brits in Work.


To much Emphasis on Profit nowdays

IMO Politicians don't care about much that don't involve them or their families Fortunes


They would sell .a thousand working class families down the river if their families Profited from it financially




We are Governed by people who don't give a fook about Britain' It's History or it's People.


Money Profit and Power is all they care about.


Those are the Facts.

max thing is pal it isnt the best any more .we were to slow catching up ..i would think most steel comes in from europe .germany for example . we just cant compeat max its as simple as that :thumbs:

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The thing is Rio wouldn't you think it makes sense for British Projects to use British Steel

It's the Best in the World

It's worth paying more for to get a much better end product and in doing so keep Brits in Work.


To much Emphasis on Profit nowdays

IMO Politicians don't care about much that don't involve them or their families Fortunes


They would sell .a thousand working class families down the river if their families Profited from it financially




We are Governed by people who don't give a fook about Britain' It's History or it's People.


Money Profit and Power is all they care about.


Those are the Facts.

max thing is pal it isnt the best any more .we were to slow catching up ..i would think most steel comes in from europe .germany for example . we just cant compeat max its as simple as that :thumbs: max i biy steel in shefield from companys that have traded for donkeys years they inport steel mainly europe kts price mate and the quality is right it nas to confolrm to a certain standard worldwide and does .we u/k just got to greedy .now we are paying for it


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Steel manufactured in Britain will still be of the Best Quality the World has to offer


It's just not the cheapest to produce.


Best pay a bit more for a better product everytime IMO

you are wrong pal we used to be ,thats now gone ..

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we bailed bankers out, why not steel workers?


Because a banking crises would kill the country, it would affect every one of us badly. A crises in any other minor industry not so much. It's not fair, it's not supposed to be, but it's the way it is. Strategic decisions have to be ruthless.


I work in an industry that's not exactly healthy right now and my old man is being laid off as a result of the collapsing steel industry, shit happens unfortunately....

With all due respect mate (and I am a lifelong capitalist) the so called banking "crisis" wasn't a crisis at all, it was a fraud.

The people at the top of all the major investment banks and former heads who are now in government gambled with everyone's money and lost....and the worst bit is, they knew they were going to loose all along and actually bet against themselves so they made money twice !!

Never mind bailing them out, they should have been put in jail, new people bought in and then re- capitalise the banks.


But it gets better, they have got more money now and are happily carrying on the same as before !!!

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Listen, we can a forget Osbourne.....the people making up the rules are the Bernakes, Yellans, Geithner and Lews of the world.

These are the Harvard and Yale graduates (the same Harvard and Yale that is financed in no small part by major investment banks) that are making up the rules.


Osbourne is a very tiny fish in a massive f***ing pond ;)

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