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Maintaining My Terriers

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Give your dog plenty of time to recover before you hunt her again. Do not hunt her with a sore muzzle. I wrote this because you say you are new to terriers, not to be condescending to you, but to give you helpful information.



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Have to agree that it's a bit silly to work your terrier and then wonder how to fix any wounds. All dogs that are out in the countryside get wounds, whether the wound is from thorns, barbed wire or b

Just to add Mike. Not good practice to submerge a dog into warm water at the end of a days hunting and then put it out into a kennel for the night. Also, you say you did little checking your hounds

I reckon you should get shot of the bitch if you don't know how to care for it after work , some of the f***ing questions getting asked on here are unreal

Thanks so much for the responses guys. I love my dog and dont care to see her in a bad way if there is something I can do for her. Going to the vet everytime she scraps is just not an option for us.



Is there such a thing as body armour I can get for her?

Where do you get it?


I would like to make sure her throat and neck are not exposed.


We dont hunt in the ground. Most of our game is in buildings or in the open.

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As jcb said salt water does the trick.keep a bottle of salt and water solution in the truck and wash the terriers with it as soon as possible after their work. A terrier can be in the truck for a good few hrs after a dig especially if dug in the morning.imo during this time is when infections can take hold so it's important to get them cleaned up asap.

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Salt and water is ok to clean a wound but that is as far as it goes,it wont stop infection inside,same as hibi-scrub,betedine any of that sort of stuff,they are all great to clean wounds or puntures.When a terrier swells up it is infected so needs a jab of some sort of anti inflamatary or some type of pills.We use penstrip,pennicillin,not all the time but when needed aswell as washing out wounds,also the blue spray[cant think of the name of it] but also good stuff to keep wounds clean,its not rocket science just common knowledge of looking after a dog when it needs must.

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I'm still open to new treatments FM, I've been around the block and I've a good vet behind me but I always keep an open mind.

Google Granulex, it'll grow you a new leg if you believe all the waffle.

Could do with a complete over haul D but would settle for a new pair of legs,lol after treatment as you know is very important in a working terrier so we try and do our best for the dogs,its the very least we can do.Have you tried BETADINE,its used in the hospitals i am told,real good stuff,really cleans out a wound.

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bucket of warmish salt water n a sponge give its head a good soaking,if it cant get licking were the cuts are that manuka honey works a treat,if its heads swelled like a baloon jeg with penicillin and let it lie up a while,hunting a dog with a sore face is 1 sure way of it jacking,an could ya blame it.

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Something I think a lot of people forget is that you need to really flush out puncture wounds, get a syringe without the needle and squirt salt water through it, just washing the surface will do very little to prevent infection.

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For deep puncture wounds as said before clean out with salt water.farmers when treating their cows udders use plastic syringes called dry cow tubes. A good few terrier lads around my way use them for treating deep wounds.I think there is some kind of antibiotic in them.they work very well.

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