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Biting ferret help please


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Hi folks, I bought 2 new ferrets on the 5th of this month from different owners. 1 of them is happy living ( i hope) with the other 4 but the other 1 would not come out of the nest box. She would live in there! I took her out & put her in her own hutch as fights were going on. Even though now she looks clean & eats & poo ok now i cant touch her. She tries to bite me if i pick her up from the front. To pick her up i have to do it from behind her head! My other ferrets i can pick up & play with & do what i like really but this one wont have a bar of it. Im embarresed to say im abit afraid of her now. In all my years of keeping ferrets ive never been bitten but ive always raised mine from 12 wks old. She seems to me to be very anti social so can any one offer any help please.

Many thanks



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every time she goes for you tap her nose :) handle her lots and lots and you should be ok, works honest :)

Thanks for the advice mate. How many fingers do you have left :hmm:




i can still count to 10 :) try using a gardening glove to boost your confidence handling her

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Dont tap her nose it will increase the biting ten fold, if i wre tapped on the nose i would just bit even harder next time, try hand feeeding & then the ferret will think hands are nice in theory :)


Watch her behaviour & maybe you can sus out why she bites rather than just dish out a punnishment, she may just be simply scared of hands due to previous treatment

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Dont tap her nose it will increase the biting ten fold, if i wre tapped on the nose i would just bit even harder next time, try hand feeeding & then the ferret will think hands are nice in theory :)


Watch her behaviour & maybe you can sus out why she bites rather than just dish out a punnishment, she may just be simply scared of hands due to previous treatment


Good advice there. :yes:

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Guest world.hunters

iv had mine for about a week now started out nippy, every day i go in a few times and ill pick him up and rub my fingers around his head mouth etc for a few seconds if he trys to bite a quick flick on the nose, and when he dont abit of spit on the finger and let him lick it off (i think i got that one from simon whitehead dvd) and now a week on i can pick him up without him even showing his teath most of the time. it works. also every day let the hob and the dog smell each other.


all the best with it mate



Edited by world.hunters
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get yaself some malt paste for ferrets (good pet shop) feed her a little daily as a treat, straight from the tube, ferts go nuts for it, after couple days put it on your finger, and offer finger, she will soon get to like you picking her up....

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If it gets really bad rub mustad on you hands or something that tastes bad if they bite stick your knuckle in there mouth till they gag ,sounds worse than it is ,but this is a last option daily handleing and feed them by hand as much as possible is the best option.

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I've noticed that my ferrets hiss at eachother when they want to send a quick warning or reproach. sounds like "TSHOOOOIISSSHT"!

When my young ones tried to nip, I found that a sharp hissing in their face was enough to distract them and warn them off.

So now your neighbours will see you in the garden smearing yourself with mustard,then spitting on your hands before putting on garden gloves and crouching over a small animal making hissing noises :icon_redface:

The things we do! :) Best of luck.Mooster.

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I've noticed that my ferrets hiss at eachother when they want to send a quick warning or reproach. sounds like "TSHOOOOIISSSHT"!

When my young ones tried to nip, I found that a sharp hissing in their face was enough to distract them and warn them off.

So now your neighbours will see you in the garden smearing yourself with mustard,then spitting on your hands before putting on garden gloves and crouching over a small animal making hissing noises :icon_redface:

The things we do! :) Best of luck.Mooster.


I like it :laugh::laugh::laugh:


i found this link , some of its quite interesting



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My first ferret i ever owned i aquirred from a friend he kept them in a large court which i later called "animal auchwitz" due to the conditions these dozen or so ferts were kept :thumbdown: this large poley hob was very aggresive which to me was normal for ferts or so i thought as a teenager.After a couple of weeks of being well fed,clean living conditions & lots of handling with gloved hands he became very tame.In my opinion nose flicking,head slapping,knuckle gagging,etc should really be unecessary unless the animal is beyond taming which is possibly very rare?? But that is just my opinion :hmm:

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Guest little_lloyd

My two Jills you have to watch your fingers sometimes as they can be nippy!!


But my 6 month old kit from this year has been handled since she was very young and wont even think about biting :victory:

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