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Palm Readings Crystal Ball Style Stuff

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Palm readers/mediums/clairvoyants are all charlatans preying on the feeble minded.


Not all of them - many of them truly believe what they are doing is guided by spirits and they practise and train with each other to strengthen their beliefs. Personally I am agnostic about all this. I certainly think predicting the future is much less feasible than being able to tell things about some-one's past and present.



Whether they believe they can do it or not, the simple fact is they can't. And a load of nutters sitting in a room practising their trickery doesn't make it any more believable.

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Interesting ,my wife and daughters go to see these spiritualist /clairvoyant types qite often ,they went to one who taped the meetings and then gave them an audio tape of the session to bring home ,I

What the townie said above...


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Palm readers/mediums/clairvoyants are all charlatans preying on the feeble minded.

So how do you explain Gazs experience?......the bloke knows what happened to him surely?


I have never been to one and I probably never will but I do beleive some folk are more sensitive to things than others

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Yes, but it does not make them all charlatans.


O.K. I'll rephrase. The ones that know they are talking shit, but still do it are charlatans. The ones who believe they can are deluded. :thumbs:



Palm readers/mediums/clairvoyants are all charlatans preying on the feeble minded.

So how do you explain Gazs experience?......the bloke knows what happened to him surely?


I have never been to one and I probably never will but I do beleive some folk are more sensitive to things than others



I don't doubt Gaz for a minute. But I DO doubt he was told what he was told because someone could see his past or future. Derren Brown does much the same thing, and he admits it's all trickery.


But then if everyone was as cynical as me, these "fortune tellers" would be out of work.

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Cold-reading,and as treecreeper pointed out not so dfficult nowadays with facebook and social media,half an hour with someones name and you could build up a very accurate picture,a little psychobabble and you could have them hanging on your every word,people want to believe and are susceptible,lets face it most customers going to a medium arent sceptics but believers.

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Fair enough mate, obviously everyone come at this from different view points......I happen to beleive that there is a lot going on that you can't see, touch, hear or feel so naturally I don't write some of these people off as wrong uns.


I reckon there's so folk can pick up on stuff but that view naturally fits my own beleifes.

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Interesting ,my wife and daughters go to see these spiritualist /clairvoyant types qite often ,they went to one who taped the meetings and then gave them an audio tape of the session to bring home ,I asked them to tell me what happened at the meeting before we listened to the tapes ,what they told me was said and what was actually said when we listened to the tape was like night and day even they were shocked at the difference ,....if you beieve in that stuff I think a certain amount of self delusion comes into play .

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Reading this the other night and I showed my wife and I was telling her that theses people all talk crap she shoots of up stairs come down about 10 min later with an old tape and radio and put the tape on she was 18/19 at the time she never opens her mouths by feck some of the things she said have came true to how many kids we have and to the sort of house we are living in now I still don't believe in them be my wife does.

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Glorified con artists. f***ing about with vulnerable people and whipping there money off them. Let's face it most of the folk that go to these things have had someone very close pass away, there oozing signs that these body reading 'experts' can see a mile away.

I'd love to go and sit there and just say "SHIIIIIITEEEEEE!" every 2 mins.

It's funny, or is that sad, that folk need to hear this bullshit in there lifes.

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Black man in elephant castle alot the travellers and holy people go to him with there sick kids ect apparently he can heal... You dont give him any names he just gives you a time too be there when you arrive hes already drew a sketch of a person who has passed who related/connected to you 9 times out ten you will recognise the picture he dont have your name so cant check census or facebook ectt ive never been and wouldnt care if its true or not but my mum does and she been to the black man and got a sketch that look identical to her brother inlaws father who passed.... Told her lots about things no one new all on a recorded tape .... Who noes any way ill try get the pic and put it up if i can find the mans real pic aswell ???

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