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I love hunting, my dogs love hunting,. It hard at times just looking after what you have, and then With dog robbers, liars and snitches like

a bad smell coming of

off them, and i don't mean my dogs, even though the can stink. Wanker antis also, want folk to do nothing, but maybe be a, twat

Can some of these hunting chaps be genuine, i met and know a few, but feel that the always dirt, not far away. . Was out yesterday and a small dog had to dig in, was up a entrance in a fairly big set, sand was really loose, any way i dug about nearly 6 foot, and was Thinking this could go wrong, anyway never smothered the dog, but never got nothing either and the bitch was on heat. Seemed a very bad stuff for a collapse, smothering though. Hope the dog works out alright next time and my self. It nearly happened before in that burrow, with digging in such a soft soil below and activity!

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I love hunting, my dogs love hunting,. It hard at times just looking after what you have, and then With dog robbers, liars and snitches like

a bad smell coming of

off them, and i don't mean my dogs, even though the can stink. Wanker antis also, want folk to do nothing, but maybe be a, twat

Can some of these hunting chaps be genuine, i met and know a few, but feel that the always dirt, not far away. . Was out yesterday and a small dog had to dig in, was up a entrance in a fairly big set, sand was really loose, any way i dug about nearly 6 foot, and was Thinking this could go wrong, anyway never smothered the dog, but never got nothing either and the bitch was on heat. Seemed a very bad stuff for a collapse, smothering though. Hope the dog works out alright next time and my self. It nearly happened before in that burrow, with digging in such a soft soil below and activity!

Someone upset ye pabs? Haha you on the moonshine again ? Haha atb AT
Still off the fags AT?


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