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I had one bite me so hard i dropped the rabbit and it ran away :icon_redface: ,a mate of mine had his hand opened up by a rabbit bite and to be honest it needed a few stitches but he wasn't going to hospital and saying how it happened so he taped it and just had us taking the piss :laugh:

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I've been bitten by a pet rabbit before, feck me I've never known pain like it from such a small animal, got me right on the soft bit between thumb and finger.


Never been bitten by one in the field though so don't worry too much :laugh:

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Worse bite i ever had from anything was from a big old rat i hand grabbed to carry it out into a field for a couple of young terriers,it got hold of my thumb muscle and felt like a pair of pliers had hold of me and i do respect these so called non working terriers :whistling: that take dozens of bits in a days ratting as i jacked on one bite :laugh: .

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It's a well known fact that rabbits will smell fear and munch down on your finger quickly going through flesh and bone. Punch the first one in the face and shout "I'm the f***ing daddy" while breaking its neck swiftly. The rest will basically die in your hands through panic.

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  On 16/10/2015 at 20:04, ferretingnewbie said:

I know this is probably a stupid question but next week will be my first time out ferreting with someone. Im not being girly about it just a general question but do you ever get bitten by the rabbits?

Ive never been bitten by a rabbit, I had one kick out while I was trying to chin it and cut into the palm of my hand though.

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  On 16/10/2015 at 21:31, Lab said:

It's a well known fact that rabbits will smell fear and munch down on your finger quickly going through flesh and bone. Punch the first one in the face and shout "I'm the f***ing daddy" while breaking its neck swiftly. The rest will basically die in your hands through panic.


Top advice :clapper::laugh:

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  On 16/10/2015 at 21:50, Navek said:

Got a black eye once when decide look down a hole to see if I could see ferret and rabbit came out full speed

hahaha this sounds like a lad I used too take with me he was standing on a banking done the same thing it hit full pelt he ended up rolling all the way down the hill as well
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I was out with Suffolk poacher on here one night a winter or two ago and his bitch was casing a rabbit on the lamp and as it came towards us i pulled in my dog so it wouldn't lunge at it as it went past and the rabbit jumped up and hit me in the old googlies :blink: my dog only had to close it's mouth and catch it :D

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Been rabbiting over 40 years, first time I got a rabbit bite that drew blood was about 2/3 years ago.

No it didn't hurt, well not any more than a ferret bite and certainly not as much as a fox bite.

Never had a rat bite, touch wood :D


Cheers, D.

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