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Strange How Things Go

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My mrs's auntie (well her uncle's wife) and her friend went on holiday recently to Vietnam.


They both went swimming in the sea and when a massive wave crashed over them, they panicked a bit and tried to make it to shore. The auntie was helped safely ashore by a lifeguard, and told to sit on the beach and wait while he went to rescue the friend. who was struggling a bit.


Luckily he managed to save her, but when they got back the beach the auntie was stone dead. :icon_eek:


They think she had a heart attack, but the body is being flown back to Ireland for a proper verdict.


Strange one.

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Bloody hell that's bad news,,,was there not an autopsy...


There's something called secondary drowning,,,aparantly the lungs fill up with fluid or mucus or something after someone has nearly drowned,,,it's some kind of response to water getting in them

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That's really sad, mate. Sorry for your bad news, and my sympathies to your good lady.


An Irish coroner will hold a post mortem and/or inquest, which will determine a cause of death, and give her family small comfort, at least.


Shows how lives change in the blink of an eye.......

Edited by Blackbriar
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poor woman. sorry to hear that.


i had a couple of mates who left the pub one friday night with a few beers on bored and for some reason they had decided to drive the car. one with a drivers licence who owned the car and the other without a licence, for some reason the one withouit the licence was driving. anyhow long story short before they got out of town they crashed the car into a wall. fire crew ambulances all the usall turn up. the pasanger is out and walking about and the driver is trapped and in a bad way they cut him out puit him in the back of the ambulance his mate goes with him and waves good by to all the family that have turned and says see you later.


they get to the hospitial and are doing there best to sort the driver of the car out meanwhile in the waiting room the passanger collapses and he dies not to long after of internal injurys. strange how life pans out

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