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Running Them Off!!!!!!!!

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My friends bitch is 14 months old. Saluki x greyhound, running well on lamp not to much he wanted her for the day time. Got the speed got the good feet can turn on a six pence but just seems to chase them off. She has killed day and night. Day time doubled up. What can he do?

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A young saluki x dont run it doubled up to often until it has enough experience single. You state its killed on the lamp etc so knows how to use its mouth. Now it needs plenty putting in front of it single it will learn how to go up and down the gears on a run. this comes with experience most young salukis want to push and push instead of dropping a gear letting the quarry settle and controlling the course, Time and more runs it will learn itself. Coursing doubled up the more experienced dog will take the lead this can lead to young dogs either hanging back or a fast dominant young dog will push thee quarry on as fast as it can to get it away from the other dog thus not letting the quarry settle.

Edited by desertbred
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