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Leek Ferreter...

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A fella on here had a ferret kit off me this year. I'm sure his name was "leek ferreter" but I can't find his PM.


Just wondering how the kit is getting on. It's litter mates are all flying at only 6 months old. Real early starters by all accounts.


I haven't started the hob I kept back yet. But I am starting him tomorrow and he will be out a bank Friday.





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Yeh he's a big lad. Lol. Grown a bit more since that pic too. He was biggest in the litter.


And yeh chicken man he's nicely marked. A Jill went even darker than him. Darker on the face and just had white around the nose. A bit like the "EU poleys" you see for sale. But these are just regular ferts. Lol

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Let's see how he does ;-)


Had him out today for an hour. Only put him in 3 sets. He messed about in the first one and didn't venture too far in. So we put a decent Jill in and she bolted 2 from the set.


Onto the next set and he bolted one straight away. Came out a few moments later.


Onto the third set and he was gone for ages. Popped up a couple of times then went again. Finally heard that rumbling sound and a bunny hit the nets with the hob not far behind.


So 4 in the bag and 2 from the young hob.


He's only 7 months old so not a bad start. I'm out tomorrow morning bolting to the pup so will see how he does then.

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I've had kits in the past take an age to start "CraignTod". But they usually come good in the end. Saying that, I do like these early starters. Much easier to get going.


Cheers chickenman. Will let you know how I get on tomorrow. Not after numbers. Just experience for the young hob and my pup.


Pup has only been ferreting twice so it's all relatively new to her. She will hopefully catch a bolter or two tomorrow...



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Great Gaz!

Had one of my young hobs out today! 2 burys, 2 rabbits :-). Left it at tha. He took to it well, working through the bury no problem. No messing about at hole entries when picking up.

I'm sure flesh feeding makes a big difference in there attitude to work!

What's your thoughts?


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