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Have Some Respect Cushty Ffs

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The story's not funny. Not for him being filmed or for those who filmed him. But the fact the location is the Butt Road Cemetery is hilarious.

Police are looking into it...

Never known Cushty to be so reserved on a topic especially that it's about total shite. Usually his forte lol.

Just reading the report,,,, bloody hell there out to get him...


Ok its not the most pleasant thing,, but maybe he was caught short,,,i know how easy it is to get caught out,, and you just got to go,, almost there and then..... or maybe he was living ruff...


He tried to get out the way in the hedge,,, its not like he curled one out on a grave


And they were surprised when he swore at them,,,, for taking a pic.....

Edited by TOMO
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Perhaps he's got ibs ! Not cushty but the bloke janking in cemetery lol .

One time I was driving and I started to get chest pains and short of breath I thought this is it heart attack ! Anyway long story short I just needed a good dump and it was just shite pains ?

Sometimes ya just got to go !

Edited by marshman
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Someone keeps shitting in a doorway I have to use at work. Several times a year they do it. It's the same person as their shit has a consistency about it. It's not funny when you have to clean it up, ask our apprentice!

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I spoke to a paramedic once, and she told me that if you don't shit for a long time, it's possible for it to back up and come out your mouth.


That's not another Cushty reference by the way.

That paramedic was pulling your pisser mate,you die of constipation and toxic poisoning,i knew someone who died of it once as it goes,she was a drug addict..

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I spoke to a paramedic once, and she told me that if you don't shit for a long time, it's possible for it to back up and come out your mouth.


That's not another Cushty reference by the way.

That paramedic was pulling your pisser mate,you die of constipation and toxic poisoning,i knew someone who died of it once as it goes,she was a drug addict..
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