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Russel X Whippet

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whippet dog x small russell bitch pups were great fox dogs no sounding just fighting killed foxes week in week out, and bushing deadly at catching rabbits in the ditches but not so good in open field, stood 15 inches and brought him every where with me, best cat killer ever, never lost fight to any dog no matter what size go straight for the juggler, a fuccking savage of a dog to fight............

have a day off :laugh:

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Brother and sister out of my border bitch and a friends whippet dog, just over a year old and doing ok up to now!

My mates russel whippet, good little bushing dog bud mad as they come

no this we frail beddy whippetlol

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whippet dog x small russell bitch pups were great fox dogs no sounding just fighting killed foxes week in week out, and bushing deadly at catching rabbits in the ditches but not so good in open field, stood 15 inches and brought him every where with me, best cat killer ever, never lost fight to any dog no matter what size go straight for the juggler, a fuccking savage of a dog to fight............

have a day off :laugh:
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whippet dog x small russell bitch pups were great fox dogs no sounding just fighting killed foxes week in week out, and bushing deadly at catching rabbits in the ditches but not so good in open field, stood 15 inches and brought him every where with me, best cat killer ever, never lost fight to any dog no matter what size go straight for the juggler, a fuccking savage of a dog to fight............

There's honest people trying there hardest to start a national lurcher club and your writing about killing cats and dog fights you need educating! No wonder lurcher men get a bad name. Whether you like cats or not there peoples pets and dog fights your a let down to every woman and man that work there dog! You need baning from the forum. Edited by stevo79
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I had a patterdale x whippet bitch.

She hunted like a hound would go to ground ,but be called out. Had an excellent nose ,was an excellent ratter busher ferreted,but was a yard slow for rabbits in the field ,

But was the most argumentative and yappy dog I've ever known .

Wouldn't mind another like her tbh

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A mate of mine had a litter of parson x saluki greys (accidental). I know that's not jack Russell whippet but a few out of this litter made handy dogs, they loved the red things and mopped rabbits up for fun. Believe it or not they didn't do half bad on the big rabbits either. But I wouldn't purposely go out and buy a dog of this breeding, or similar.

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I had a Russell x whippet great little dog he'd do ferreting,ratting, bushing he was 22 inch

That's some size for a Russell x whippet ain't it.

I know he was a first cross had to get rid of him in the end he was fighting with my jackrussel so it wasn't fair on him, he's doing well with the guy I gave him to
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My mate (who is on here) has a russel x whippet dog. It's got to be around 22", and just looks like any other whippets lurcher. Its very capable, and will easily catch rabbits on the lamp or bolting daytime, and plenty of other things besides. I think the dog may be a bit of an anomaly but if you could breed them all like that they'd be grand.

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