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Kids And Flu

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LOL mercury, you forgot the formaldehyde......or perhaps shouldn't believe all one reads.     http://www.skepticalraptor.com/skepticalraptorblog.php/scary-flu-vaccine-ingredients/   Simple math b

That link is for greenmedinfo who are anti everything to do with modern science. They get endorsements from websites like "Proof the bible is true"......funny you pick that link, there's more than lik

My mrs read about the mercury in it a few year back,,,,so non of us has it

My eldest girl as had it the last 2 years and the youngest last year .. They don't seem to be bothered with it and will be getting it again this year if offered

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My son was offered it last year, when he was four, I refused it for various reasons, my stepdaughter got it, she's ten, she was sick as a dog shortly after it, my son was fine.


I've just sent in the reply letter, to tell them no for this year.

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That link is for greenmedinfo who are anti everything to do with modern science. They get endorsements from websites like "Proof the bible is true"......funny you pick that link, there's more than likely a blog that will have 6 reasons you should have it lol
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That link is for greenmedinfo who are anti everything to do with modern science. They get endorsements from websites like "Proof the bible is true"......funny you pick that link, there's more than likely a blog that will have 6 reasons you should have it lol

Lol didn't know that johnny, its true tho

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Have a look at the ingredients, on the NHS website, its a live virus, its genetically modified, msg, mercury,, etc, if your child's immune system is strong, you shouldn't have to rely on gov to look after your child's health, lol

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That link is for greenmedinfo who are anti everything to do with modern science. They get endorsements from websites like "Proof the bible is true"......funny you pick that link, there's more than likely a blog that will have 6 reasons you should have it lol
Lol didn't know that johnny, its true tho
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