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You guys are right imo it has a whole lot to do with up bringing i think. So why have the generations seemed to have got worse. Surely it would of carried on if older generations had continued. I see alot of people around my age who have kids but really still act like kids themselves. It makes you think the poor kids theyve had dont really stand a chance. I honestly know blokes from my old area in their mid 20s who have no job and make rap music lol. Not mates of mine just local people so know em like that but me n my mates take the piss when we bump into em lol. Not saying making rap music makes you automatically a bad person but bit of a sad c**t in my books and my lot will avoid those types.


Going abit deeper of course these problems tend to be happening more in poor areas. Could alot of it be due to lack of intelligence? Not got no facts but willing to bet richer areas have parents with better jobs who know the important of education ect. Im sure most these idiots dont even understand when your dead you dont come back lol i mean they f***ing stab each other over nothing. All i know is i want better for my kids and to be in a nice area where if they have a fight at school i dont want to worry about kicking off with the other kids gangster rapper dad who thinks his the man cause he has the latest trainers n has f**k all too loose.


Nice one for the link bgd hope people do donate i will no problem. Ashame we cant start another fund to reward someone for educating the scumbags before they go prison. A barber in my old area whos been there for donkeys years got robbed for his gold watch. Area is full of wanna bes who think their above street robberys n that shit. Couldnt believe not a single one of em put a reward up to ger hold of the c**t who done it. Maybe im getting old but i like the idea of a community sticking together and looking out for each other.

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  On 13/10/2015 at 12:42, dare said:

You guys are right imo it has a whole lot to do with up bringing i think. So why have the generations seemed to have got worse. Surely it would of carried on if older generations had continued. I see alot of people around my age who have kids but really still act like kids themselves. It makes you think the poor kids theyve had dont really stand a chance. I honestly know blokes from my old area in their mid 20s who have no job and make rap music lol. Not mates of mine just local people so know em like that but me n my mates take the piss when we bump into em lol. Not saying making rap music makes you automatically a bad person but bit of a sad c**t in my books and my lot will avoid those types.

Going abit deeper of course these problems tend to be happening more in poor areas. Could alot of it be due to lack of intelligence? Not got no facts but willing to bet richer areas have parents with better jobs who know the important of education ect. Im sure most these idiots dont even understand when your dead you dont come back lol i mean they f***ing stab each other over nothing. All i know is i want better for my kids and to be in a nice area where if they have a fight at school i dont want to worry about kicking off with the other kids gangster rapper dad who thinks his the man cause he has the latest trainers n has f**k all too loose.

Nice one for the link bgd hope people do donate i will no problem. Ashame we cant start another fund to reward someone for educating the scumbags before they go prison. A barber in my old area whos been there for donkeys years got robbed for his gold watch. Area is full of wanna bes who think their above street robberys n that shit. Couldnt believe not a single one of em put a reward up to ger hold of the c**t who done it. Maybe im getting old but i like the idea of a community sticking together and looking out for each other.

simple mate there's the Jeremy Kyle era, DLA for everything, kids misbehave? Then they must have ADHD or aspergers etc etc, parents never take the blame for ill reared bastardss they always look to blame a medical condition. If the British lazy bastardss just drink, hump and reproduce and rape the state them what example does that set for the 20 odd sprogs they Shiite out too?
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Sort of just thought it was natural to want better for your kids. Bloody hell i do and i aint even got any yet. Also simple things like manners who doesnt want their kid to be polite and respectful. Aint even got kids yet and thinking about saving so can buy a place in a nice area and give em a good life. Sounds cheesey but i just know ill be a good dad. Kind of right about parents not taking the blame aswell know a few like that. What do you think is the fix for society then? No right or wrong answer and doubt its a one size fits all for the problem. Also would you say its an age thing in some aspects. The boys who would of stabbed you over f**k all type thing now older seem alot more chilled and now i cant see them ever doing it tbh like theyve grown up.

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  On 24/02/2016 at 22:23, Truther said:

Sad end to the old fella RIP.


I just can't get my head around being able to beat an OAP up like that, must take a particular type of scum to do it? Hope they get caught soon, and throw the key away, f***ing animals.

yeh 100% cowards thats who, they havnt got the guts to do it to to somebody 1/2 the age as the poor old lad who just died , there just gutter level, a animal wouldn't do what they did. they got 30 grand from him, sombody will talk sooner or later, and when they do they will go down for murder, and once inside the screws will make them feel at home deff :yes:

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