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Why have some people become, so disrespectful of there elders....I was always brought up to respect them..right or wrong...maybe its just me

http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/photo-of-pensioner-brutally-beaten-in-attempted-murder-attack-sparks-appeal-1-7508954.I remember this old boy from when i worked at the pit he was a proud hard working ma

The thing that got me about that story was, that old soldier would have probably battered those pricks when he was in his prime.   Rip old man.

Cruel,..vile,..worthless creatures.... :censored:

To do this,.. to an old Warrior,.a man who had the balls to fight for his country,...well,.it beggars belief :blink:


Such vermin should be quickly cut,.. and left to bleed out,...their demise would be no loss.... :yes:

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That has to be the most disgusting act of cowardice I've ever heard of. Served his country, worked hard then some shitbag who has probably never done a day's work in his life does that to him. I hope they get what's coming to them.

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Pricks. Hopefully someone gets a hold off them soon.

Having 30k in the house when your that age is not a good idea.....and who knew it was there? c**ts!!!!!

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  On 12/10/2015 at 13:13, pesky1972 said:

Some sick & vicious b*****ds out there. Only hope that they get a taste of their own medicine someday soon.

very true that ,it would really work when i was younger i had couple good hidings, and it deff stays in your mind long long while, these twats need a proper good kicking with injuries that would put them in AE for 8 weeks ,when they had a beating like that they deff think twice about hurting anybody else .""

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These trash need some sort of life changing injuries , something they wake up to every morning , something that hurts them every hour of every day and gives them a bad nights sleep every night ...who ever did this to a defence less old man are surely the scum of the earth ..

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Read about it in the paper after his family said to publish the facts to help track down his attackers , they want to bump into some vigilants one dark night they will melt out more justice than the courts ever will

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  On 12/10/2015 at 19:43, Onlyworkmatters said:

Heard theres been 2 arrests anyone know if theres any truth in it

Heard on the grapevine 3 scumbags have been seen on cctv going to his house they have been arrested and released on bail one to a safe house out skegness way.

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