matt1979 766 Posted October 15, 2015 Report Share Posted October 15, 2015 I doubt I would have a Hancock dog now as I do think he has lost his way (if he ever had one) regarding work ethic. I would say his dogs originally seemed to be better than now, or perhaps we see things differently as we age. Hancock is an easy target though, which to be fair is self inflicted and to be honest I doubt he's worried about what is written about him if he bothers even to read it. There's easily as much shit out there bred by real deal dog men from two supposed super dogs, they're just not so easy to spot. I've known guys to change dogs like their underwear, always got a litter on the ground or a dog coming from so and so, real dogs don't you know. They all disappear at some stage, never to be mentioned again. If they've owned a Hancock dog, or a dog bred from Hancock dogs, feck me, that's branded in their memory, never to be forgotten the others conveniently forgotten. I am in no way defending Hancock, but to all the folk who have had a shit dog from him, let's hear about the other shit dogs you've owned or seen. Or is it only because he sells them as a living?. I agree with most of what you've posted there mate, but at the end of the day hancock breeds for 1 reason, he doesnt care if his pups are good bad or indifferent as long as they sell, thats his number 1 priority, he's a puppy farmer 1st last and always, I would rather be without a dog for a year or 2 before I would put money in a puppy farmers hand, but thats just me I doubt I would have a Hancock dog now as I do think he has lost his way (if he ever had one) regarding work ethic. I would say his dogs originally seemed to be better than now, or perhaps we see things differently as we age. Hancock is an easy target though, which to be fair is self inflicted and to be honest I doubt he's worried about what is written about him if he bothers even to read it. There's easily as much shit out there bred by real deal dog men from two supposed super dogs, they're just not so easy to spot. I've known guys to change dogs like their underwear, always got a litter on the ground or a dog coming from so and so, real dogs don't you know. They all disappear at some stage, never to be mentioned again. If they've owned a Hancock dog, or a dog bred from Hancock dogs, feck me, that's branded in their memory, never to be forgotten the others conveniently forgotten. I am in no way defending Hancock, but to all the folk who have had a shit dog from him, let's hear about the other shit dogs you've owned or seen. Or is it only because he sells them as a living?. I agree with most of what you've posted there mate, but at the end of the day hancock breeds for 1 reason, he doesnt care if his pups are good bad or indifferent as long as they sell, thats his number 1 priority, he's a puppy farmer 1st last and always, I would rather be without a dog for a year or 2 before I would put money in a puppy farmers hand, but thats just me I couldn't and wouldn't argue with what you say, I don't think Hancock would either, he's quite up front about the fact he produces pups en masse for financial gain.To throw another point in, and I've bought one Hancock dog and doubt very much I would buy another. How come after all this time he's still in business?, please don't tell me it's gullible uneducated greenhorns keeping him afloat, you only have to google his name and numerous threads akin to this one pop up. It might have been the case years ago folk could be duped, not now in the days of the www. You can only fool people for so long, how come after thirty odd years he's still going?. Could it be we only hear from the disillusioned unhappy customers?. Maybe people aren't patient enough to wait for a pup of similar breeding from proven stock? There are people making money in all walks of life from shite (not saying hancocks are never seen one firsthand) and they continue to make money, just because people have info doesn't mean they all making eduated decisions. Whether they are good bad or indifferent you can't Escape the fact they are peddled out for money and other more important issues are by the wayside atb Quote Link to post
mackay 3,411 Posted October 15, 2015 Report Share Posted October 15, 2015 @ Matt, I think you have highlighted possibly the single biggest factor, that being, when someone wants a collie cross they want one then and there, he invariably has them, so they go there. I don't think that alone though would sustain him for 30 plus years, if he was a used car salesman this site alone would have put him out the game. As an aside I recall someone on here with a well bred litter of first crosses from tested parents, not only did they not fly out the door regardless of all the posts lamenting the shortage of such dogs, if I remember correctly the guy had a bit of bother selling them. Quote Link to post
northern lad 2,292 Posted October 15, 2015 Report Share Posted October 15, 2015 I doubt I would have a Hancock dog now as I do think he has lost his way (if he ever had one) regarding work ethic. I would say his dogs originally seemed to be better than now, or perhaps we see things differently as we age. Hancock is an easy target though, which to be fair is self inflicted and to be honest I doubt he's worried about what is written about him if he bothers even to read it. There's easily as much shit out there bred by real deal dog men from two supposed super dogs, they're just not so easy to spot. I've known guys to change dogs like their underwear, always got a litter on the ground or a dog coming from so and so, real dogs don't you know. They all disappear at some stage, never to be mentioned again. If they've owned a Hancock dog, or a dog bred from Hancock dogs, feck me, that's branded in their memory, never to be forgotten the others conveniently forgotten. I am in no way defending Hancock, but to all the folk who have had a shit dog from him, let's hear about the other shit dogs you've owned or seen. Or is it only because he sells them as a living?. I agree with most of what you've posted there mate, but at the end of the day hancock breeds for 1 reason, he doesnt care if his pups are good bad or indifferent as long as they sell, thats his number 1 priority, he's a puppy farmer 1st last and always, I would rather be without a dog for a year or 2 before I would put money in a puppy farmers hand, but thats just me I doubt I would have a Hancock dog now as I do think he has lost his way (if he ever had one) regarding work ethic. I would say his dogs originally seemed to be better than now, or perhaps we see things differently as we age. Hancock is an easy target though, which to be fair is self inflicted and to be honest I doubt he's worried about what is written about him if he bothers even to read it. There's easily as much shit out there bred by real deal dog men from two supposed super dogs, they're just not so easy to spot. I've known guys to change dogs like their underwear, always got a litter on the ground or a dog coming from so and so, real dogs don't you know. They all disappear at some stage, never to be mentioned again. If they've owned a Hancock dog, or a dog bred from Hancock dogs, feck me, that's branded in their memory, never to be forgotten the others conveniently forgotten. I am in no way defending Hancock, but to all the folk who have had a shit dog from him, let's hear about the other shit dogs you've owned or seen. Or is it only because he sells them as a living?. I agree with most of what you've posted there mate, but at the end of the day hancock breeds for 1 reason, he doesnt care if his pups are good bad or indifferent as long as they sell, thats his number 1 priority, he's a puppy farmer 1st last and always, I would rather be without a dog for a year or 2 before I would put money in a puppy farmers hand, but thats just me I couldn't and wouldn't argue with what you say, I don't think Hancock would either, he's quite up front about the fact he produces pups en masse for financial gain. To throw another point in, and I've bought one Hancock dog and doubt very much I would buy another. How come after all this time he's still in business?, please don't tell me it's gullible uneducated greenhorns keeping him afloat, you only have to google his name and numerous threads akin to this one pop up. It might have been the case years ago folk could be duped, not now in the days of the www. You can only fool people for so long, how come after thirty odd years he's still going?. Could it be we only hear from the disillusioned unhappy customers?. Another huge factor in his exsistance after 30 odd years is the fact people can walk in and walk out with a pup ....they can choose sex,colour,coat,breeding ,and its all "off the peg" no waiting for a bitch to break down,no hoping a bitch takes and no hoping theres enough pups to go round.....its instant gratification Theres a place not far from me called dogs r us,its a horrendous place,puppy farmers paradise full of badly bred,in a lot of cases sick (its been closed down several times by the authorities)"pedigree"pups,all "Dog Lovers Registered" mind The pups are double/treble the price of a KC pup,this business is thriving,theres usually 20 to 30 litters on show,all for sale ,theres even a photo gallery on the wall of the numerous celebrities (mostly premiership footballers/soap stars} proudly holding their new pups.....its disgusting,I used to buy sacks of dog food from there until I was banned ( not for the first time,but deffo the last )I had a huge row with a manager over a litter of Bullmastiffs that must have been 5 weeks old ,at most,and were hanging of a a pipe at the back of a run trying to keep warm Hancocks its thriving,because anyone can walk in/out with what they want ,same day like any other product 3 Quote Link to post
Ideation 8,216 Posted October 15, 2015 Report Share Posted October 15, 2015 There are more pet lurchers than workers now and as said people can go pick one that matches their living room paint scheme. Also, there are a hell of a lot of uneducated folk out there. This site is but a drop in the ocean! I expect there are probably plenty of folk out there still feeding ferrets bread and milk. 5 Quote Link to post
Somewhereyournot 1,117 Posted October 15, 2015 Report Share Posted October 15, 2015 Loads of people contradict their views on here. End of the day even from top notch parents you get shit. People sicken dogs far too young, don't know how to train them or even put in basic rules firmly from young. IMO the collie x will make a mug of you if you ain't thinking properly and that's it. And most views on Hancock dogs are always from one they saw run once, or knew someone who said this or that. 1 Quote Link to post
forest of dean redneck 11,752 Posted October 15, 2015 Report Share Posted October 15, 2015 There are more pet lurchers than workers now and as said people can go pick one that matches their living room paint scheme. Also, there are a hell of a lot of uneducated folk out there. This site is but a drop in the ocean! I expect there are probably plenty of folk out there still feeding ferrets bread and milk. Met old fella in Gloucester by airbase 10 year ago? He was feeding ferrets that.honestly had to restrain from asking if he sewed their lips shut. 2 Quote Link to post
Dewclaw69 484 Posted October 15, 2015 Report Share Posted October 15, 2015 Loads of people contradict their views on here. End of the day even from top notch parents you get shit. People sicken dogs far too young, don't know how to train them or even put in basic rules firmly from young. IMO the collie x will make a mug of you if you ain't thinking properly and that's it. And most views on Hancock dogs are always from one they saw run once, or knew someone who said this or that. i ran my dog week in week out with my mate and his hancock bitch but she was a cracker . the hancock's have just adapted to the market. The folk who want working dogs from them must pale into insignificance compared to pet/ agility owners. the fact that they're still breeding must tell us that. Time to move on. 4 Quote Link to post
bird 9,986 Posted October 16, 2015 Report Share Posted October 16, 2015 @ Matt, I think you have highlighted possibly the single biggest factor, that being, when someone wants a collie cross they want one then and there, he invariably has them, so they go there. I don't think that alone though would sustain him for 30 plus years, if he was a used car salesman this site alone would have put him out the game. As an aside I recall someone on here with a well bred litter of first crosses from tested parents, not only did they not fly out the door regardless of all the posts lamenting the shortage of such dogs, if I remember correctly the guy had a bit of bother selling them. Quote Link to post
bigmark40 32 Posted October 16, 2015 Report Share Posted October 16, 2015 Loads of people contradict their views on here. End of the day even from top notch parents you get shit. People sicken dogs far too young, don't know how to train them or even put in basic rules firmly from young. IMO the collie x will make a mug of you if you ain't thinking properly and that's it. And most views on Hancock dogs are always from one they saw run once, or knew someone who said this or that. I bred and trained greyhounds for many years and some of the best bred, choice pups that you'd bet your house on being champions, turn out to be useless with no pace and no brains. But, there's very few good dogs that come from bad breeding. The better the breeding for what you want, the better the chance. It's as simple as that. There's no guarantees. 4 Quote Link to post
zx12edge 1,001 Posted October 16, 2015 Report Share Posted October 16, 2015 The two Hancock dogs i have owned have met my needs and been more than happy with them.But then again they have not been tested to the same degree as some i read about on here.from what i can see he is breeding more and more for the show/pet owners than folk that work them now.But he must get a lot of feed back from the litters he breeds and get a good insight of what they are capable of that a one of mating can never foresee.At the end of the day the bloke at the end of the lead make a big difference to how the dog turn out.The faults in my dogs i blame myself more than the man i got it off.Don,t get me wrong pups from dogs that are doing the job is safer way to go but does not mean you get a dog that is as good as the parents.For him to have been in game for so long there must be a lot of folk over the years that are happy with the dogs they buy of him. Quote Link to post
bird 9,986 Posted October 16, 2015 Report Share Posted October 16, 2015 The two Hancock dogs i have owned have met my needs and been more than happy with them.But then again they have not been tested to the same degree as some i read about on here.from what i can see he is breeding more and more for the show/pet owners than folk that work them now.But he must get a lot of feed back from the litters he breeds and get a good insight of what they are capable of that a one of mating can never foresee.At the end of the day the bloke at the end of the lead make a big difference to how the dog turn out.The faults in my dogs i blame myself more than the man i got it off.Don,t get me wrong pups from dogs that are doing the job is safer way to go but does not mean you get a dog that is as good as the parents.For him to have been in game for so long there must be a lot of folk over the years that are happy with the dogs they buy of him. its what you say above (tested) is the word, most lurchers of any x where ever it came from, can knock over few rabbits,or take the odd fox/deer/hare/ its when a dog pushed above the odd quarry,and tested alot more is where from what you read about hancock lurchers there left wanting .my mate had 2 from him,1st was big 27in fawn dog 1/4 b/b 3/4 grey male dog,iyt was good on rabbits lamp,not bad on daytime hare,and good on foxes, it died at 7 from cancer , a real good lurcher.2nd dog was a bitch 3/8 b/b 5/8 grey 25in ,was ok on rabbits,but not keen on foxes,and it was a type of dog one day would try,next day wouldnt try he kept it till it died 9 year old,but he never went back there , he bought 1x colliexwhippetx grey, and still got it and it good dog on most stuff. i think with any lurcher x you need luck with the pup you pick,but if the parents have worked and had game, well your in with a fighting chance that your pup (might)be ok . both my 1xs are fair tested Bryn1x colliexgrey bred local by hawcroft off here had loads of rabbits,and is still knocking them over at 8 year old,Buck 1xgsdxgrey bred of here by me1 on here his dam working gsd ,his sire razzmatzz very good greyhound, he ticking all the boxes for me he doing very well. nothing set in stone with any lurcher what ever the x or where it comes from,but if the parents have done a bit,its got to stack things your way i reckon . Quote Link to post
Somewhereyournot 1,117 Posted October 16, 2015 Report Share Posted October 16, 2015 Lol wouldn't buy a Hancock anyway, be heartbroken being separated from 300+ lol Quote Link to post
gnipper 6,546 Posted October 16, 2015 Report Share Posted October 16, 2015 The two Hancock dogs i have owned have met my needs and been more than happy with them.But then again they have not been tested to the same degree as some i read about on here.from what i can see he is breeding more and more for the show/pet owners than folk that work them now.But he must get a lot of feed back from the litters he breeds and get a good insight of what they are capable of that a one of mating can never foresee.At the end of the day the bloke at the end of the lead make a big difference to how the dog turn out.The faults in my dogs i blame myself more than the man i got it off.Don,t get me wrong pups from dogs that are doing the job is safer way to go but does not mean you get a dog that is as good as the parents.For him to have been in game for so long there must be a lot of folk over the years that are happy with the dogs they buy of him. its what you say above (tested) is the word, most lurchers of any x where ever it came from, can knock over few rabbits,or take the odd fox/deer/hare/ its when a dog pushed above the odd quarry,and tested alot more is where from what you read about hancock lurchers there left wanting .my mate had 2 from him,1st was big 27in fawn dog 1/4 b/b 3/4 grey male dog,iyt was good on rabbits lamp,not bad on daytime hare,and good on foxes, it died at 7 from cancer , a real good lurcher.2nd dog was a bitch 3/8 b/b 5/8 grey 25in ,was ok on rabbits,but not keen on foxes,and it was a type of dog one day would try,next day wouldnt try he kept it till it died 9 year old,but he never went back there , he bought 1x colliexwhippetx grey, and still got it and it good dog on most stuff. i think with any lurcher x you need luck with the pup you pick,but if the parents have worked and had game, well your in with a fighting chance that your pup (might)be ok . both my 1xs are fair tested Bryn1x colliexgrey bred local by hawcroft off here had loads of rabbits,and is still knocking them over at 8 year old,Buck 1xgsdxgrey bred of here by me1 on here his dam working gsd ,his sire razzmatzz very good greyhound, he ticking all the boxes for me he doing very well. nothing set in stone with any lurcher what ever the x or where it comes from,but if the parents have done a bit,its got to stack things your way i reckon . Out of interest ray what had the parents of both your half crosses done in the field? Quote Link to post
zx12edge 1,001 Posted October 16, 2015 Report Share Posted October 16, 2015 Understand what you are saying Ray. The one Hancock dog I got left is out of hector (beardie half cross) and is not keen on fox but puts plenty of edible game in my freezer he hunts like a demon takes feather swims jumps retrieves works of his own bat does what he is told most of the time. My other dog is a beardie cross from good working stock and will tackle anything put in front of him. They both have there good and bad points. For me a full on dog can and has been a liability to me .I am not fussed if my dogs never see another fox if I can not eat it don't see the point in killing it.(not knocking anyone that does).I only take what I can carry and never tested my dogs to the limit. In my book a dog does not have to excel in everything just do the things I want from him . We all differ in what we wont from our keeps and one mans world beater is another mans disappointment. I have not seem any other Hancock working so can only speak from my own experience. 15 Quote Link to post
*The*Field*Marshall* 674 Posted October 16, 2015 Report Share Posted October 16, 2015 If old Hancock had a pound for every time he was mentioned on here he'd be a rich man ! . Or richer than he already is ha ha Quote Link to post
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