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It Never Ceases To Amaze Me

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Just had a blast in the garden. Excellent!! Is my first impressions. But just bringing it up to the eye and back off I can see why ranging can be hard. But I'll give it a whirl next time I'm out.




Like i say,d Chris set your targets out your prefer,d zero distance then put some more out to 40, 50, 60 , yards and set your self away once you have mastered it you will be on your way mate.


did you try the high vis trick yet


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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It never ceases to amaze me the generosity and kindness of the lads on this forum   I put a post up about a webly rifle and saying i was thinking of giving 177 another go   but did not want to di

mac why do you not get on with the 177. i have got a s410 classic in 177, that in use for rabbits day/nights,.. But i have got a s410 carb in 22 that is great for rats or roost shooting pigeons. the 2

O and by the way your all still a bunch of               TWATS                         atvbmac

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Yeah just stuck one of them patches to the shed and brought the scope up, yep your defo right about keeping the bits small. It's bright as hell




Good when you cut them down as they shine like a rabbits eye


gives you an idea of what to look for when out hunting


By the way love the trigger on the pro sport


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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mac why do you not get on with the 177. i have got a s410 classic in 177, that in use for rabbits day/nights,.. But i have got a s410 carb in 22 that is great for rats or roost shooting pigeons. the 22 just does not seem to kill the rabbits so clean as the 177 does.

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mac why do you not get on with the 177. i have got a s410 classic in 177, that in use for rabbits day/nights,.. But i have got a s410 carb in 22 that is great for rats or roost shooting pigeons. the 22 just does not seem to kill the rabbits so clean as the 177 does.

Mine do lol


its just that iv had 22 since i was a kid i no them like the back of my hand


I can put the rifle up to my shoulder and squeeze the trigger and hit the target with out having to think about it


But ill see how i get on with this one ill put some time in with it this time


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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Just come to this but Mac. Your gonna struggle with that mate, too precise for you :)


Here here. THL.

I struggled with the last one and only used it once for about an hour still had the price tag on it and still had it on when i took it back to the rfd,s and got rid lol


but ill give this one some time ,this time


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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Ive only got two things to say


1 logun . your now a member of the twat club !lol


2 Mac cant shoot a propper cal ! simple



Just a comment you made on another thread


about a proper cal that i cant shoot




Well I'm going to spill the Beans ( in a nice way) when I went up visit mac , he took me to the range

And we had a zeroing session, the back of the range is 65 yards away and covered in thick rubber which is Held on with cladding bolts with a head size of about 10/15 mm ,

After zeroing at 40 yards , I ask mac to have ago with the wolf in [177} . And have ago at the bolts on the back wall ,

And to my shock he never missed, and I mean not one ! , and he still raves on about .22

I'm confused

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Haha BM, and so you once again have the finest air rifle calibre in your hands :yes: seriously mate, if you can just get your head around not giving holdover as soon as you would with a .22, the .177 will amaze you, I know you have used em before mate, and probably shot over the rabbit,once you start dropping them with the .177 you will want one again, I am enjoying my 99s in .22 that I have tuned, it is silly accurate,but I have to say I am constantly thinking about hold over,perhaps too much to be honest, but with the Cometa Lynx even with the Yukon Photon on board at night,its just point and shoot,out to what I have now got used to as my 40yard personal limit, enjoy mate and keep us posted :thumbs:

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