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Thoughts On Hunting Foxes Northern Ireland

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Trunk, this all started with MY comment about your clip on Facebook, showing your dog killing a fox (dog did a decent job by the way) and all this is about that, nothing to do with your posts on this site!

To be honest, I enjoy your thred on here and i'd defend you to the last about putting pictures of legal dog work up on this site.

Your game WAS my game before the ban!

I've been on FB a long time but only recently liked some of the working dog forums, mainly to see what all the fuss is about.

If i'm being honest some of the blatant stuff on there shocks me, not because i'm in any way sqeamish about the death of animals but on social media, with the world looking on, people revel in such gratuity.

Like others, what you put up was a snap shot, a moment, that was part of the bigger day but a moment that is so emotive for people who are trying to outlaw what we love.

It makes it all to easy for them to think we only enjoy killing, not hunting, or the dogs we hunt with.

I don't give a toss what they put up from other countries either, your over there, its almost here and your on a knife edge. I'd be gutted to see both you loose and them win, i only wish people didn't give em the ammo!

I've seen since you took it down, fair play but if you think these words are shite then put it back up, thats your call but I think you know the score...

Like i said, i enjoy your posts and pictures, please dont stop posting.

i agree with you it wasnt from your post mate to be fair i got pm silly remarks even on that other facebook page an the things thats on that page would end hunting 100% id look past it if i was putting bad blood pictures up but you no yourself what pictures they will use i keep them as plan an boring blood free as possible they wouldnt get the coverage that they would want for it but you have to admit this site would be s##t if no one posted a picture
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its a bit of a poor do when you feel the need to have your own legal posts taken down because of the shit you get of others who are suppose to be sharing the same passion of working lurchers.

You keep doing what your doing trunk! Who cares what people think,your not braking the law it's all legal where you are, happy hunting

Trunk, no one complained about your posts on here, in fact most lads said they enjoyed them, myself included. The first comment that was made was about a video you have up on FaceBook. Regarding "Big

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Trunk, this all started with MY comment about your clip on Facebook, showing your dog killing a fox (dog did a decent job by the way) and all this is about that, nothing to do with your posts on this site!

To be honest, I enjoy your thred on here and i'd defend you to the last about putting pictures of legal dog work up on this site.

Your game WAS my game before the ban!

I've been on FB a long time but only recently liked some of the working dog forums, mainly to see what all the fuss is about.

If i'm being honest some of the blatant stuff on there shocks me, not because i'm in any way sqeamish about the death of animals but on social media, with the world looking on, people revel in such gratuity.

Like others, what you put up was a snap shot, a moment, that was part of the bigger day but a moment that is so emotive for people who are trying to outlaw what we love.

It makes it all to easy for them to think we only enjoy killing, not hunting, or the dogs we hunt with.

I don't give a toss what they put up from other countries either, your over there, its almost here and your on a knife edge. I'd be gutted to see both you loose and them win, i only wish people didn't give em the ammo!

I've seen since you took it down, fair play but if you think these words are shite then put it back up, thats your call but I think you know the score...

Like i said, i enjoy your posts and pictures, please dont stop posting.

i agree with you it wasnt from your post mate to be fair i got pm silly remarks even on that other facebook page an the things thats on that page would end hunting 100% id look past it if i was putting bad blood pictures up but you no yourself what pictures they will use i keep them as plan an boring blood free as possible they wouldnt get the coverage that they would want for it but you have to admit this site would be s##t if no one posted a picture
Yes it would, so keep posting pictures!! Make sure they are neither damaging nor incriminating and keep the film clips in your mind. ;)
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that's the trouble were all in this fooked up state because of the mentality forced up on us by powers , were all legally intitled too pay council tax as were blinded by such people as if you look into it were factually not legally bound too pay council tax, its all hidden by propaganda what these parasites of government use too take the piss out of us , and if your doing something legal , then fuk everyone you share it as much as u want , the population is slowly hiding behind a stone , stand up and be proud .

couldnt agree more with you pal,two many hunters hide what they do incase there judged by others.


i think your pics are fine trunk and your posts,


just no need for vids and graphic pics on FB were the wider community can see them.


keep up the good work bud.

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Crack on keep posting! Keep it sensible and don't post anything that provokes a negative response... Simple! I enjoy your posts as I've said before. Try not to take offence to what some people have to say as a lot of the time its constructive criticism with your sport in mind not ours...

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keep doing what you do trunk and keep us updated and its good your mind full of what you post unlike some facebook pages which no doubt take the attention away from you with whats posted they hang them selves out to dry from what i have seen carry on the good work matey

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4 foxes one night? Well done that's a good night!What's the best you've done? Honestly I think keep posting the antis have millions of picture and videos so a few more won't hurt plus you have good dogs and you enjoy hunting so forget about the antis and keep posting??

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Well as most of use no i had a post up on the working days out forum an had alot of lads giving of about it so i asked for it to be removed ! Due to the amount of lads giving of about it either i was doing to big myself up or i was just wrong for putting pictures up of legal dog work. I didnt mindsharing my days out with use you lads on here but all i seem to get from people is yhat i am going to be the down fall of hunting foxes in northern ireland . Seems that most of the problem is other hunters hiding in the dark an scared to talk about legal hunting half of the news reports in northen ireland was down to so called hunting men talking to papers back stabbing each other . Its a sad state when some one cant post pictures of a legal quarry .

Shame it was very good thread, thier was nothing illegal on it so why do people feel the need to moan?


It was a good honest thread about working foxes nothing else nothing more.


Keep em coming trunk it was the best hunting read on here.

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I missed the original post but if its legal and you enjoy it enough to write it up for other like minded individuals to see and comment on you should do it regardless of other peoples opinions. I knw next to nothing compared to people on here about hunting and love this place for the rich variety of hunting methods people use and enjoy reading about how their performed . The main thing that struck me about this place was the time, dedication and passion people put into their sport particularly in the dog section . its very rare to see people so ingrained in their past time that it almost becomes them and in a modern world where everything is fast pace and everything comes and goes quickly with a short shelf life theirs still a small section of this world who live their sport completely. That being said, if its legal , post it and anybody that doesnt like it should mind their own and do what i do . Ignore a thread if its not to their liking. Plenty of other stuff on here to read


Live as one or die as individuals

Edited by Welsh_red
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I reckon all this is doing is bringing unwanted attention on 1 person,[TRUNK] so i think it should be put to bed and leave it at that.When someone posts or puts pics or vids up that someone else dont agree with why make a big issue of it on an open forum for all to see,just pm that person and no one will be the wiser.

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