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Any Cash Jobs

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Hi all,

I found out on Wednesday that along with over 1000 of me colleagues I was to be made redundant with immediate affect.

If any land owners or anyone really have got anything that needs doing for a bit of cash in hand I would really appreciate a shout.

I live near Doncaster but can travel depending distance.

I've already out a post up about some beating but if anyone knows of any who reads this then it would be great to hear.

Cheers anyway all

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I worked for an energy saving company doing management, B2B, Account development, recruitment, PR etc so got some experience in all sorts.

Just trying to get a bit of cash in hand to keep me going while I find a job better suited if that makes sense.

If I start at warehouse then could limit the time I've got to look for a new job or interviews etc.

But if it comes to it I'll do it.

Cheers all, hopefully someone has got anything. Think I'm gunna nip to local kennels soon and see if they want any mucking out, cleaning or anything really.

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Bad luck! This happened to me 3 years ago! Same time, just on the run up to Xmas. I didn't know what to do? My advice is be safe, register self employed, get insured, (mine is £90 per year) use an accountant (mine is £180 per year) an advertised (I use Gumtree) I've never looked back :-)

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Bad luck! This happened to me 3 years ago! Same time, just on the run up to Xmas. I didn't know what to do? My advice is be safe, register self employed, get insured, (mine is £90 per year) use an accountant (mine is £180 per year) an advertised (I use Gumtree) I've never looked back :-)

What do you advertise to do pal?

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It was Corus Rex but it was sold out to SSI a Thai company, they have gone under leaving masses of debt but the worse part is they left the furnace in state it cannot recover from.....they didn't empty it !

I wonder why ?

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I was working on there a few years back that's all pal did the scaffolding for the power lines. was a horrible place to work always ended up black as at the end of the day was glad to get out of there tbh but a job for a lot of folk

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