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Put them in adjoining cages with just mesh between them. That way they can get to know each other slowly without damaging each other. They should be OK once they have grown used to each other. Very occasionally you get some ferrets that won't accept new ones, but once the kit has grown up a bit and the jill no longer feels it needs protecting things should settle down. At the moment the jill sees the hob as an intruder into her space.

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my ferrets have a 6x4 shed with the floor covered in straw and tubes to play in. i do have a hutch which is also large.

so i cant put them in adjoining hutches.

i moved the new hob into that. its that i don't like them to be on their own.

will give it a couple of weeks and try again.


or is that the wrong thing to do???

thanks for the advise so far ;)

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Hi mate , nice to see someone close to me , hope they settle in . In my experience it is very rare that ferrets do not eventually get one , although some better than others . In 30+ years of keeping and working them I have only ever had one jill that would not get on with any others , whenever she was put near another she would jump on its back and bite. Needless to say I did not let this go on. She lived on her own in a hutch very near to the rest and made a ripe old age , I still miss her as beside all her faults she was a great worker and seemed to love people more than other ferrets :laugh: .

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I bought a new jill in and my old one don't get on she really lays into her and chewing on her quite bad so I had to separate. I swap them around in there hutches every other day now so they can get used to the smell of the other maybe. The castrated hob don't give a monkey and gets on with them both.

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One of my jills just started fighting with the rest its a proper pain in the arse she does it in the carrying box and in the hutch ive just got her in with a hob just now and there taking turns sleeping in the run , I put two kits in with them and she set about them so I put them in with my other hob and nine jills and no a lick of bother . Shes five or six going to try her back in the big winter hutch in the next week or two so all the ferrets are in together and see what happens and then make up my mind what to do a ferret like that's no use to me

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She's a good working Jill but to start doing this at five or six Christ knows what's upset her but when your carrying six ferrets in a box and when it's beside a burrow your netting up or have ferrets down and and the box is bouncing about and the noise when your trying to be quiet lol. I will retry her back to the bunch but the clocks ticking

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Can take time, some don't get along at first. Keep trying for short periods of time. There may be some dominance squabbles and sometimes you need to let that run it's course until they've resolved it among themselves - But only let it go on for short periods of time and supervise it if necessary. If it seems to be getting too serious you'd need to break it up. Keep them seperate for now overall and try regular sessions until it quitens down.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I have been swapping mine around in there cages so they take turns in with the hob and letting them have a run around together. The old jill has been piling into the young one at every chance but the last couple of days the tables have turned and the young one has held her own and the old girl has backed off and they are all in together now. Might get the odd squabble but as long as there's no harm done I reckon they will be fine now and leave them to it

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