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Putanges - Any More For Any More?

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I would have to increase the price to allow for the eBay & PayPal fees of around 10% and the French tax man would also want around 14% and I'd have to buy some proper boxes. Plus the postage would be more; £15 for 20 and £18 for 30 or 40. Looking at the figures it would work out at about £2.85 per trap delivered for 20 and £2.55 per trap delivered for 40. That is against £2.05 and £1.93 respectively. It wouldn't be worth doing for less than 20 traps.


I'd put the packs on in 20's, 30's and 40's and sell the other bits separately but post free if they were ordered with some traps.


Its early days at the moment. I'm waiting for my business advisor to confirm one or two things and then I'd have to open a French PayPal account and link that to my business bank account. If it does happen it won't be until January.


My brother-in-law Ian still has some traps at the old price if you need any.

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1st ones in the bag [/url]

I have 2 spare setting tools free to good home   I made 1 as I lose things often and made extra. anybody wanting one let me know

accident and emergency`s all over the country will be full of middle aged men all with odd bits of wire clamped onto their fingers/hands/bellie fat/other protruding out body parts

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  On 09/12/2015 at 08:39, Nicepix said:

I would have to increase the price to allow for the eBay & PayPal fees of around 10% and the French tax man would also want around 14% and I'd have to buy some proper boxes. Plus the postage would be more; £15 for 20 and £18 for 30 or 40. Looking at the figures it would work out at about £2.85 per trap delivered for 20 and £2.55 per trap delivered for 40. That is against £2.05 and £1.93 respectively. It wouldn't be worth doing for less than 20 traps.


I'd put the packs on in 20's, 30's and 40's and sell the other bits separately but post free if they were ordered with some traps.


Its early days at the moment. I'm waiting for my business advisor to confirm one or two things and then I'd have to open a French PayPal account and link that to my business bank account. If it does happen it won't be until January.


My brother-in-law Ian still has some traps at the old price if you need any.

The ones your brother in law has do they come with the tool Clive,just that the ones I bought off you a lad I work with wanted mine as long as I can get some more from you at the price I paid mate.i don't want to sell him mine then I pay more for another 10 cheers.

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I'm not sure if he has any left as someone on here has gone Putange crazy and ordered a shed load. If you PM me your e-mail address I'll pass it on.


I have some over here, but the postage charges don't make it cost effective for less than twenty traps. And even then I couldn't do them at the same price because of the overheads.

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I've now found a reliable supplier and if I buy a decent batch they would work out at about £3.75 delivered as a single item or £6.50 for the pliers. Most of that is postage costs, so once I get the traps up on eBay next month I'll resume the idea of putting a setting lever free with every trap order and offering things like pliers and spare triggers post free along with any trap orders.


p.s. I haven't lost a setting tool yet, but there's always a first time.

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  On 11/12/2015 at 16:54, Nicepix said:

I've now found a reliable supplier and if I buy a decent batch they would work out at about £3.75 delivered as a single item or £6.50 for the pliers. Most of that is postage costs, so once I get the traps up on eBay next month I'll resume the idea of putting a setting lever free with every trap order and offering things like pliers and spare triggers post free along with any trap orders.


p.s. I haven't lost a setting tool yet, but there's always a first time.

Once you put them on eBay Clive will you let me know just incase your brother in law has nothing left mate thanks. Edited by lurchers
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  On 12/12/2015 at 18:05, cragman said:

Picking mine up tomorrow from Clive's brother in law

If you want an oil pressure gauge for a 1950's Hillman Hunter or a wing mirror for a Mk. 1 Transit let him know. He'll have one in the shed :laugh:

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  On 10/12/2015 at 19:15, smithie said:

I could possibly make some setting tools but they will be without paint

Sounds like my brother-in-law has beaten you to it Smithie. He's got a home made on on eBay already :laugh:

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