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Russian/iranian Troops

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Glen Beck is a cock......so is Obama.....so is Cameron and so were Bush and Blair before them........England and the United States have cut about the world for the last 15 years throwing their weight

The great jew.s.a made isis to get rid of assad,russia are now doing the right thing and bombing them, putin is a real leader, not like our shower of shite.

Russia are actually doing the most sensible thing, put things back in their rightful order. We have let that war rage on for 4 years, caused a massive refugee crisis and let people die willy nilly...

Russia have bombs that can be launched from the sea and hit within 10ft of the target from over 900 miles away.


I was shown this in a paper this morning. I don't know if others have bombs like that but I was impressed. just hope they don't ever point over here

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Russia have bombs that can be launched from the sea and hit within 10ft of the target from over 900 miles away.


I was shown this in a paper this morning. I don't know if others have bombs like that but I was impressed. just hope they don't ever point over here

you can bet your life we have something equalily as good if not better :thumbs: its called trident

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Russia have bombs that can be launched from the sea and hit within 10ft of the target from over 900 miles away.


I was shown this in a paper this morning. I don't know if others have bombs like that but I was impressed. just hope they don't ever point over here


The tomahawk cruise missile has a similar range and can be launched from submarines while fully submerged. All our attack subs are armed with them. There's similar and more advanced systems in use too with naval surface ships, the RAF and of course the yanks. It's a fairly standard capability for a world power.

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Russia have bombs that can be launched from the sea and hit within 10ft of the target from over 900 miles away.


I was shown this in a paper this morning. I don't know if others have bombs like that but I was impressed. just hope they don't ever point over here

Yeah we have tomahawks.. The whole thing is an exercise in demonstrating they (the Russians) have the same capabilities.
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The great jew.s.a made isis to get rid of assad,russia are now doing the right thing and bombing them, putin is a real leader, not like our shower of shite.

This is kind of disturbing to read. Putin's goal aside from showing he has some muscle is to prop up a cruel dictator. Our own Pilot's have been ordered to avoid contact with any Russian fighters. But how long do you expect that to last? Reports from agencies aside from sputnik say that the vast majority of air strikes are targeting rebel groups we are supporting with our own air strikes. Sputnik claims Russia has already destroyed about 40% of ISIL's resources. :whistling:


Perfect storm in the offing is how this looks to me.



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Russia are actually doing the most sensible thing, put things back in their rightful order.

We have let that war rage on for 4 years, caused a massive refugee crisis and let people die willy nilly......for what?

So we can make up stories about ISIS and come up with shit laws like your own "Patriot Act" which are more about taking away your freedoms than protecting you.


Putin is spot on !

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Guest ragumup

Putin , for me has pull a master stroke turning the age old Sunni vs Shiite dived and siding with minority Shiite as they will keep fighting as ground troops against the Sunnis ... Thus saving Russia and the west any ground troops ...

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