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Ive only ever been stopped by police right outside my permission twice once they asked if I had permission and all I had to do was say he farmers name it could of been made up for all they knew but they where happy and the second time was by a powerstation and I heard people by my car in the gateway I left it turned out if was armed police asking me why my Car was left in the gateway as so close to power station this particular field I was in I didn't actually have permission but was right next door anyway they ask me what I was doing and I told them lamping and they said oh right good luck and left me to it didn't ask if I had permission or anything

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It is illegal to enter a terrier to ground, without written permission being carried.


However, written permission is not needed for dogs that are to be used for retrieving and /or to be used in conjunction with a gun. Incidentally shooters are not legally required to carry written permission.


Edited to correct.

Edited by J Darcy
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It is illegal to hunt with a dog, lurcher or terrier, without written permission being carried.


However, written permission is not needed for dogs that are to be used for retrieving and /or to be used in conjunction witha gun. Incidentally shooters are not legally required to carry written permission.

Could you show me the statute that says that please? As that is a new one on me.



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It is illegal to hunt with a dog, lurcher or terrier, without written permission being carried.


However, written permission is not needed for dogs that are to be used for retrieving and /or to be used in conjunction witha gun. Incidentally shooters are not legally required to carry written permission.

Are you sure ??


I've been stopped legitimately and police have never advised me it's a legal requirement..


I can see the benfits of have written documents..

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That's a new one on me aswell JD. Not saying you are wrong. Just never heard it before.


I thought permission was permission.


Obviously as said above written can clear things up quicker and save farmer being disturbed by plod. But I didn't know it was a legal requirement.

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when talking to Clive Rees about 8 years ago I was asking him questions about this matter and as far as I'm aware , verbal agreement is all that's needed and if you put it in writing then its best to write as litttle as possible, ie, has permission to take all legal quarry using legal means, that way your not only confined to dogs and lamps, or rifles or what ever is stated on written permission

Clive gave me the same advice. Keep it very brief.

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Never had written permission in my life, and I wouldn't ask farmer for written permission, farmer round here would think you were getting ready for fraudulent claim,, ferret some of the biggest horse studs in the country,,farmer and the horse men give me number on phone and when I ring it gate opens and they always get a call from me before I plan to go to hunt,,,,,farmer telling the job you done on the rabbits on their farm to other land owners gets me all the permission I could ever want,,,only 3 of us go and I know I can trust them with my life....

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They are terrified of the pen can't blame them farm in family name for hundreds of years and here is a fella looking for permission on paper lol :whistling::whistling::whistling: If I put myself in there shoes I'd think the same claim,,,,some ask have I Insurance and I show them,,,,,cops pulled up beside me one night I was walking on road asked me had I permission I said ye do you want me to ring the farmer for you, no your grand,, cuunts not having permission and farmer rings cops is causing all the trouble across the pond.............

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I never carry my permission letters or gun cents with me there safe at home in a folder the gun Certs are just too big to carry one permission states I must have my permission letter and insurance with me but I leave that one in the car and never take them in while I book on

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