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Recharge: made especially for racing Greyhounds.

Would need more background to make an informed answer, ie why and how badly it is effected but in general in most cases water; it would be hard to get an adult dog so dehydrated that water wouldn't be

Lol il never if I can help it let mine drink outa puddles especially were they might be farm machinery/vehicles about you'd be mad to..   As for the milk n banana or whatever anyone else likes to us

  On 05/10/2015 at 22:32, low plains drifter said:

Half and half mixture of water and a pure fruit juice of your choice, add a pinch of salt if the sun is shining hot

That's basically my lamping mix what I take in a bottle with a sports cap. I throw a spoon of sugar and a Berocca tablet in there too.


Heard good stuff about the recharge though what Penny has mentioned.

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ive bin using maxi fuel gel,,,,since mars got latic acid,,,i give her about 3 on the night,,,,some will not eat or drink when there out, a pain at times when you want to keep them well hydrted ive got recharge,,, but getting a dog to drink it,,some will not have the stuff even when mixed to hide it,,,

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Would need more background to make an informed answer, ie why and how badly it is effected but in general in most cases water; it would be hard to get an adult dog so dehydrated that water wouldn't be enough without it being seriously ill.


If it’s collapsed/trembling after a testing run then the problem isn't dehydration but overheating and having burnt out all its available energy stores. In that scenario it’s important to get em cooled down asap and some glucose in them, recharge tabs have glucose so will help, they will drink a lot so historically people thought there're thirsty when in fact they are drinking to cool down so better a small drink to cool the mouth, throat and stomach then use water to cool them by wetting all bare skin etc,

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  On 06/10/2015 at 09:06, Red Center said:

I use the recharge tablets, cheap and fool proof. Had a mate nearly lose two dogs two weeks ago and the recharge tabs were the only thing that saved em. Both collapsed and were trembling

I was out with a lad who ran his dog into the ground at the end of last season. Collapsed. Trembling. Looked on deaths door. I carried her to the motor ASAP and got to a 24hr garage and got a bottle of lucozade isotonic. The still stuff. Half the bottle given over the space of about 20 mins saw her stood up and walking about. I was amazed.

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  On 06/10/2015 at 11:21, Gaz_1989 said:


  On 06/10/2015 at 09:06, Red Center said:

I use the recharge tablets, cheap and fool proof. Had a mate nearly lose two dogs two weeks ago and the recharge tabs were the only thing that saved em. Both collapsed and were trembling

I was out with a lad who ran his dog into the ground at the end of last season. Collapsed. Trembling. Looked on deaths door. I carried her to the motor ASAP and got to a 24hr garage and got a bottle of lucozade isotonic. The still stuff. Half the bottle given over the space of about 20 mins saw her stood up and walking about. I was amazed.


Gluscose and time to cool down work wonders.

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