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Permission Revoked Unbelievable

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The garbage spouted by that plug packham and what has been featured on countryfile must have caused a good few busybody types to become self appointed wardens, strange how they never show any footage of the teams of rich foreigners who come here to take part in the mass slaughter hare drives, yet a couple of working class english lads cannot go out on the land with a dog or two. Come on Cameron time to pull your digits out of your keister and flush this hunting act it's an absolute cluster fukc

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Some interesting thoughts. I think I must be soft, and no where near as 'hardcore' as the 'super hunters' on here. I quite like having permission, being able to turn up, park your motor somewhere sens

Thats a dirty trick......he probley see the lads dog chase a bolter... It's bad enough to get perm let alone some bloke being a twat to make you lose it... The bloke would pay for my loss...atb

just read all 4 pages of this, now this guy that stopped them they had 25 rabbits and presumably not 1 hare about their person? that alone would of been enough evidence to prove their point. Many post

If you've got permission always get it in writing, I just have a template letter and it clearly states that "I have been granted permission to carry out legitimate pest control using legal methods" that way if you get stopped you can show the five-0 and they are usually happy with that and don't bother the landowner at 2am (which is never a good thing for your rapport) and it also gives the landowner exclusion should you get caught/accused of any wrong doing as they have strictly only given you permission for legal activities.

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  On 05/10/2015 at 05:32, Bo Duke said:

If you've got permission always get it in writing, I just have a template letter and it clearly states that "I have been granted permission to carry out legitimate pest control using legal methods" that way if you get stopped you can show the five-0 and they are usually happy with that and don't bother the landowner at 2am (which is never a good thing for your rapport) and it also gives the landowner exclusion should you get caught/accused of any wrong doing as they have strictly only given you permission for legal activities.

A true example of how to conduct Yourself :thumbs:

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  On 04/10/2015 at 22:48, Rake aboot said:

Ross, I really don`t care if I get get stopped or asked nowadays.


If it`s the cops, then 99% of the time they have no clue and you go home. If it`s a landowner, well then it`s up to them, if they want to go, then we go, if they don`t, they make a lot of noise and it`s all done and forgotten.





By the way,, we need a wee night out and a good blether mate,, food, at yours or mine then a blast round the fields.

think landowners want rid of rabbits but surely police should spend there litmed resources on catching pedos and terrorist cells or is taking one for the pot such a big crime ? Think they don't realise for a lot of guys it a way of life and feel it against there human rights and they will never stop ! jailed for a rabbit for the pot , f**k me when is this goverment bring back drowning witches again ? Lads I never put any pictures up of dogs or anything but if guys want to think I am anti thats great I don't care as this is only a forum and don't matter as I don't have to prove anything Edited by bonehead
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If they owned the house I would of give the local scally hoody kids acouple bottles of cider to sit out side the house causing havoc....till they get pissed of with it.....then after that I'd buy £50 worth of horse shite ask to be delivered on there drive..

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  On 04/10/2015 at 20:20, bonehead said:

Was out to day with the dog and pup for a walk bumped Into two young lads about 20year old with a whippet lurcher and we got talking about dogs as you do ,they told me the had got some permission on a near by farm to ferret and lamp with the dog ,now they went up during the day to ferret and managed to get 25 rabbits now on the way back to there motor they was stopped by guy walking and he was not happy about what they were doing now the young lad said he kept his cool explained they had permission form the farmer etc the man took there car details then walked off to the near by cottages now turns out guy reported them for hare coursing . The police went round for a chat to them they visited farm told farm if they were caught hare coursing farmer could get in trouble to .up shot farmer doesn't want them back the antis win again eh !!! Feel sorry for the young lads

just read all 4 pages of this, now this guy that stopped them they had 25 rabbits and presumably not 1 hare about their person? that alone would of been enough evidence to prove their point. Many posters have put what would they do if this happened to them, myself I would of been on to the police complaints commissioner(thats what he's there for) and told him what the farmer had been told by the police officers who had no evidence of any hare coursing had taken place just the word of a mistaken busy body who IMHO should of been the one visited by the police for wasting their time and police budget

Y.I.S Leeview

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Some interesting thoughts. I think I must be soft, and no where near as 'hardcore' as the 'super hunters' on here. I quite like having permission, being able to turn up, park your motor somewhere sensible, have a good nights lamping without looking over your shoulder or getting it cut short. Its also quite nice being able to do some things which may not be sensible off permission at times. I also quite like being on good terms with the farmers and having them ring me to come out and sort a problem, or make me a cuppa. Its even quite nice when you find bottle of wine or whisky on the bonnet of the motor for doing a good job. But I guess i'm just a poof. . . . . . . .



I have no issue with poaching, and obviously do / have done plenty, but the 'f**k the farmer' attitude, coupled with many dog men acting like total f***ing muppets, is what makes it so god damn hard to get permission to run a dog on. Friendly farmers are the one thing that keeps our sport going. Remember that since the ban, poaching rabbits is a 'take your dog, car, lamp and liberty' type offence unfortunately.


Edited to add - It does make me laugh how much people on here think farmers are twats for telling them to get off THEIR land. Next time I fancy a night out, i'm coming round your house to chill in your garden, have a few beers and a smoke. . . . . . . might bring a few mates. Maybe even park the truck on your lawn. Obviously you won't mind, because i'm doing no harm, and if you do mind, you're a prick and i'll fight you. . . . . .


For real?

Edited by Ideation
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I always found it quite strange when over the years someone who had never had a bit of permission and was of the opinion they were akin to a modern day Robin Hood with the right to go where they pleased taking whatever they wanted suddenly acquired a bit of permission with legal land to hunt, they immediately became worse than any landowner or keeper taking serious offence when someone had the audacity to poach their ground so to speak.

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  On 05/10/2015 at 11:03, Ideation said:

Some interesting thoughts. I think I must be soft, and no where near as 'hardcore' as the 'super hunters' on here. I quite like having permission, being able to turn up, park your motor somewhere sensible, have a good nights lamping without looking over your shoulder or getting it cut short. Its also quite nice being able to do some things which may not be sensible off permission at times. I also quite like being on good terms with the farmers and having them ring me to come out and sort a problem, or make me a cuppa. Its even quite nice when you find bottle of wine or whisky on the bonnet of the motor for doing a good job. But I guess i'm just a poof. . . . . . . .



I have no issue with poaching, and obviously do / have done plenty, but the 'f**k the farmer' attitude, coupled with many dog men acting like total f***ing muppets, is what makes it so god damn hard to get permission to run a dog on. Friendly farmers are the one thing that keeps our sport going. Remember that since the ban, poaching rabbits is a 'take your dog, car, lamp and liberty' type offence unfortunately.


Edited to add - It does make me laugh how much people on here think farmers are twats for telling them to get off THEIR land. Next time I fancy a night out, i'm coming round your house to chill in your garden, have a few beers and a smoke. . . . . . . might bring a few mates. Maybe even park the truck on your lawn. Obviously you won't mind, because i'm doing no harm, and if you do mind, you're a prick and i'll fight you. . . . . .


For real?

nae harm just turning up and take few rabbit on some land and go never hide my car or damage anything and yeah they steal your dogs and car and you come round my anytime just take the beers lol atb
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  On 05/10/2015 at 11:03, Ideation said:

Some interesting thoughts. I think I must be soft, and no where near as 'hardcore' as the 'super hunters' on here. I quite like having permission, being able to turn up, park your motor somewhere sensible, have a good nights lamping without looking over your shoulder or getting it cut short. Its also quite nice being able to do some things which may not be sensible off permission at times. I also quite like being on good terms with the farmers and having them ring me to come out and sort a problem, or make me a cuppa. Its even quite nice when you find bottle of wine or whisky on the bonnet of the motor for doing a good job. But I guess i'm just a poof. . . . . . . .



I have no issue with poaching, and obviously do / have done plenty, but the 'f**k the farmer' attitude, coupled with many dog men acting like total f***ing muppets, is what makes it so god damn hard to get permission to run a dog on. Friendly farmers are the one thing that keeps our sport going. Remember that since the ban, poaching rabbits is a 'take your dog, car, lamp and liberty' type offence unfortunately.


Edited to add - It does make me laugh how much people on here think farmers are twats for telling them to get off THEIR land. Next time I fancy a night out, i'm coming round your house to chill in your garden, have a few beers and a smoke. . . . . . . might bring a few mates. Maybe even park the truck on your lawn. Obviously you won't mind, because i'm doing no harm, and if you do mind, you're a prick and i'll fight you. . . . . .


For real?

well put and agree 100%
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