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Fac Cabinet Help

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hi there i am think of applying for my fac i have brought a rifle cabinet ii bolted it to the wall in a left hand side corner i used 4 m10 rawlbolts and 2 long wood screws for the bottom so they go in the floor bords but i could only get 3 rawl bolts to tighten up properly. The cabinet is solid and wont move will this still be ok thanks in advance

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Hi if the fourth bolt is just spinning in the hole, a layer of masking tape on the circumference of the anchor may help bind it in the hole. Obviously the tape needs to be cut so that the anchor can still expand. Having just relocated three cabinets I'v had some fun myself. I've also had the threaded end bit of the anchor part company which may be the reason for not tightening up. It don't help when manufacturers specify a clearance drill which is half a mm too wide for 8mm bolts.

Edited by stillair1
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Next cabinet you install, try studding and chemical bond. Much easier and you never get that problem. :thumbs:


When I've had a bolt spinning, I took it out and slid a sliver of wood into the hole before pushing the bolt back in. You might need to try a few different slivers to find the right size.

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