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Worst Dog Ever ?

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If like me,.you have had a life with lurchers,...you are sure to have come across a few, that were 'not fit for purpose'.... Some animals just don't have IT..   What you do with such animals,.. is a

I make absolutely no apology for saying this but if a dog bred for purpose does not fulfill that purpose IMO it should be PTS humanely. I would think 99% of dog men nowadays are not near as game as t

Thats what's wrong with the dog game..

Friend had collie greyhound, f****r would run after rabbit but foock would he pick him up rabbit would be squealing dog running beside him, brought him to doggy man found no problem with him rested him for few weeks and the foocker was the same, heard that some line of collies can be like that not grab.......


Had a bitch craicen looking animal nice bloodline aswell , this thing would run a hare intill the deck the hare nearly dropped dead , c**t wouldnt lift it lol walked at least 10 miles one day got one race the race i got the f****r run it for about 4 mins noseing the hares arse haha didnt last too long that bitch lol

Should have tied a live rat to their leg
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I make absolutely no apology for saying this but if a dog bred for purpose does not fulfill that purpose IMO it should be PTS humanely.

I would think 99% of dog men nowadays are not near as game as they'd like their dogs to be and would rather do the cowardly act of throwing the dog on the scrapheap, merry-go-round of unwanted dogs, and make a few ££££s whilst doing so.

The unfortunate dog probably sees 4 or 5 homes by it's 3rd birthday before ending up in the most convenient excuse of the lot, the dog shelter.

It's the cowards way.


Like I say I make no apologies if there's any anti's etc. reading this as the RSPCA and the Kennel Club etc. cause the deaths of 1000s of healthy dogs every year.

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my worst is also my best lol done stuff that amazed me, both working and to piss me off when not working lol

same here ,

mine could spot a rabbit 2 fields away in the day but miss the ones 20 yards away in the beam ..leave the rabbit what had bolted but retrieve the ferret ...


but could he run , and what a job he could do when he was on form ..


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I took the dog off a lad who was unable to look after the dog or he had no interest in dog as felt sorry for conditions dog was in it was very thin and I am pretty sure guy beat dog but couldn't prove it as soon as I got dog home feed it went through it quicker than it went in was very scared off everything had it for 6 months manage to get fit and well but only charged 50quid for it as didn't want it to go shit home as when dogs are free a lot of numptys wants them and cycle starts again and that didn't cover food and vets cost dog went to guy explained faults we dog but I don't feel I have to explain this to random. Guy on net but that story I have nothing to feel bad about so to be honest lad you can say anything you want

well surely if you thought he had been beat and was not looked after shouldn't of you waited for dog to get your trust? i had a bitch at 6 months old exactly the same as yours and shes a saluki greyhound now when i first had her she was scared of everything and everyone would walk quite a distance from you when your out would not come back when calling her just a real pain in the ass but i kept her and now shes spot on and id say best lurcher i have ever had. some people aint got enough patience with dogs just want to buy a dog thats already working then moans when its doing what you want

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My worst was a collie/grey/whippet bred by myself from a collie/grey dog that would try anything and a non ped whippet with dazzling speed and prey drive to burn. The bitch was 21 inches but would tackle a full grown dog fox. Her only problem was her feet which suffered on any rough ground like beet fields etc. The dog had tough feet (and everything else) so I thought to get the best of both worlds.

The pup was pick of the litter and looked like she had strength as well as speed. Unfortunately she was a nervous type, afraid of her own shadow and unwilling to tackle anything more than a rabbit. At the time I did a lot of ferreting. If she was on the other side of the hedge she'd catch any bolters (she was good at this) but she'd kill and leave them where she got them and return to her post. Every other dog I've reared and trained has retrieved bolters back to the warren at least and mostly back to hand. With her I had to look round her side carefully before moving on. Eventually I stopped taking her hunting and she happily retired to the role of house pet, living to the ripe old age of 19, eventually falling off a flat garage roof I was working on and badly injuring herself, so I had her PTS.

She's buried in my allotment now, God rest her soul .

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I took the dog off a lad who was unable to look after the dog or he had no interest in dog as felt sorry for conditions dog was in it was very thin and I am pretty sure guy beat dog but couldn't prove it as soon as I got dog home feed it went through it quicker than it went in was very scared off everything had it for 6 months manage to get fit and well but only charged 50quid for it as didn't want it to go shit home as when dogs are free a lot of numptys wants them and cycle starts again and that didn't cover food and vets cost dog went to guy explained faults we dog but I don't feel I have to explain this to random. Guy on net but that story I have nothing to feel bad about so to be honest lad you can say anything you want

well surely if you thought he had been beat and was not looked after shouldn't of you waited for dog to get your trust? i had a bitch at 6 months old exactly the same as yours and shes a saluki greyhound now when i first had her she was scared of everything and everyone would walk quite a distance from you when your out would not come back when calling her just a real pain in the ass but i kept her and now shes spot on and id say best lurcher i have ever had. some people aint got enough patience with dogs just want to buy a dog thats already working then moans when its doing what you want
lad always a keyboard guy got there view but it mind over matter I don't mind and you don't matter nice rant lad but iam guess u don't rant at dog shelters who take dogs in and try to get them rehomed I keep the dog as long as I could it was unable to make a working dog for me but glad I took it and got a home as f**k only knows what state it be in or even alive if left we the owner and you come on here spouting crap trying to make me look bad grow up and stop being idiot lad Edited by bonehead
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Never owned a bad dog that iv bought up from a pup,i could handle any mistakes mild irritations they may have had due to me,but f**k me Iv bought a few wrong uns as in adult in between over the years,still we live and learn

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