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Wanted! meat from pest animals!

Guest Howldaloom

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Guest little_lloyd
  Howldaloom said:
cant see what everybodys problem is myself.


i want to make a use of wasted animals and am asking as well for people to shoot me something for a fare price?


:diablo: people ere


Ok then if you pay for it ill get you a fox or two!!


Im only asking for one hundred pounds!!


Lads i see this as a money maker :yes:

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  Howldaloom said:
cant see what everybodys problem is myself.


i want to make a use of wasted animals and am asking as well for people to shoot me something for a fare price?


:diablo: people ere

ok then mate .

i'll sell you fox meat at £0.30 a pound

the dogs will love it :sick: :sick:

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look mate it sounds to me as iff your shot of flesh for your dogs :yes:


ive been in this shit myselfe over the years but i over come that

all youve got to do is go to a church yard (at night) with a spade

and dig up all the new berials.

iff you look for the old grave stones ,you may find that there hve been a few down before

and you may only need to dig thre foot or so.

well hung, and dont give the dogs the shits .

november to december is a good time as you can dig two or three a day they dont like the cold

and you may find them going to groung regular at this time of year.

give it a go.

we do

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Guest john2007oliver
  Howldaloom said:
why is this topic weird exactly?


the butchers dont sell deer near me and if they did they over price it.


im trying to cut out the middle man and get it from the sorce



I see where this lads coming from here, how could giving here a few scraps incriminating yourself in anyway? After all isn't that what an anti would be after? Alot of people simply shoot ,snare, catch etc and then throw away the meat. As for shooting deer, it was advertised in lidl for 899 for 400g or something the other day so i can see why he would rather buy from some off here. When i first signed up for a similar site to this i didn't know nothing about doing my profile etc. I could fill it in saying a was john smith of buckingham palace and i was 167 years old. Give the lad a chance he could be genuine

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Could be genuine but I share the views of most here.


Anyway, whats the problem with ROAD KILL, not many days I don't see the fox, badger, deer, rabbit, hedgehog, birds on the side of the road.


A previous friend I USED to know; when I invited him to one of my "Game" BBQ's said he was a Road Kill vegetarian....f*****g h*ll.....!!!!!! I don't cruise the streets when I can shoot them fresh......... but whats the problem Howldaloom???



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Guest Howldaloom

i live in lincolnshire, and as there has been lots of myxi, all rabbits are gone and anything that eats them as well, such as badgers and foxs and deers i have only seen on one nature riserve.


i saw a fox not that long ago, very fresh on way to work, on way back i had the stuff to collect it and it was gone! or it was a dog

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  Howldaloom said:
i live in lincolnshire, and as there has been lots of myxi, all rabbits are gone and anything that eats them as well, such as badgers and foxs and deers i have only seen on one nature riserve.


i saw a fox not that long ago, very fresh on way to work, on way back i had the stuff to collect it and it was gone! or it was a dog


myxi is carried by the rabbit flea, it does not affect other animals, therefore if myxi is in your area, it can still be used to feed your animals on

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Guest bigredbusa

good old field sports site , quick to brand people an anti .





mate take the advice you have been given , fox is a bad idea .


going to be lambing season soon and the farmers may lose a few so might be worth a go with them or go see a gamekeeper.


stop repeating yourself as you are not doing you're self any favours

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  Howldaloom said:
i am eager for any road kill you can supply as long as its fresh lol plush my butchers dont give meat away even if it is old, i have asked



out of interest.... & if your post is genuine :hmm:


tell me the prices you are willing to pay for dead animals..


pigeon ?


rabbit ?


fox ?


badger ?


deer ?


rats ?


squirrels ?


& lets just say someone had some roadkill or dead quarry, is it worth them driving all the way to meet you or visa versa ?


youll probably do more in juice driving to where ever you are.


personally i think youre on a wind up. :yes:



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  richie said:
  Howldaloom said:
i am eager for any road kill you can supply as long as its fresh lol plush my butchers dont give meat away even if it is old, i have asked



out of interest.... & if your post is genuine :hmm:


tell me the prices you are willing to pay for dead animals..


pigeon ?


rabbit ?


fox ?


badger ?


deer ?


rats ?


squirrels ?


& lets just say someone had some roadkill or dead quarry, is it worth them driving all the way to meet you or visa versa ?


youll probably do more in juice driving to where ever you are.


personally i think youre on a wind up. :yes:





cat ?


dog ?


goldfish ?



hamster ?



ferral pidgeon ? can get ya bags of them stinkers

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