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Domestic Cats And The Law.

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I think the problem is now a days if you dog is laying in to some ones cat unless on your own property the dogs out of control and that could cost you. The potential is all ways there for it to end up in someone's back yard dong the deed and it could be there pet. Also a lot of farmers like there cats and its not a good look your dogs eyes popping out there head eyeing up the farmers cat.

Lots of potential for problems so would make sense to steady them I think if possible. Mines not but I am working on it as best I can. Its a lot harder than sheep because cats seem far more attractive to him

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if the owners love there moggies enough they wouldn't throw them out at ten in night -these moggies kill a hell of a lot of our wildlife - I know a few old biddies who have cats and they don't bat an eyelid at there moggies carrying birds into there house

so do us hunters

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Bgd it was just over 12 months ago. The police was on the other people's side. It was horrendous. We had to watch our daughter break her heart when she watched it on the cctv. It was in our own garden.

That's fecking disgusting pal :no: police are useless these days don't know why anyone bothers calling them. They care more about keeping crime stats down than actually taking reports of crimes and helping the public.


Sorry your littleun had to go through that must of been heartbreaking for you to see. Hope she's got over it now :thumbs:

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When is a cat classed as feral? My white bitch is fine in house with missus' mums cats but she grabbed one of a fence a couple of years ago and we got seen, I spoke to a policeman (a neighbour in our street) and he said its a grey area.

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