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Never Rains But Pours. . . . .

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Some of you may have seen that my old dog is now out of action for a while, possibly forever due to an accident he had recently while working, and some complications that followed it.


Well as they say "it never rains but it pours". Was out at first light this morning with my young bitch Bree and the rest of the team. Long story short. . . . after a very good start to the hunt, her drive and do or die nature, resulted in a chest wound the size of my fist. . . . . flesh and muscle ripped and punctured, pretty much to the bone. With the blood flow being stemmed by my shirt, she was in the vets within the hour, and was put under general anaesthetic and repaired as best as they could. They have told me it came together well considering, but that it was worse than they thought at first, needing a fair bit of tissue cut away. There is some worry over her being able to breathe properly and some questions over her future as a worker, although it is entirely possible she will come good with time.


Starting with ten days cage rest, then slowly slowly slowly. . . . . . here's keeping fingers crossed.





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Some bad luck that is. From what I've heard though the ground you hunt is pretty rough and not exactly forgiving.


Hope she makes a speedy recovery. The vets always seem to think the worst and underestimate how well a determined and hardy dog can recover.


All the best.

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It is indeed. And both the ground and the quarry are rather unforgiving here. To be honest it was only a matter of time until it happened.


Cheers, I really hope she makes a speedy recovery to. . . . she is one hell of a tough dog. She stood there earlier, covered in blood, with a gaping chest wound, muscle split open to the bone. . . . and was wagging her tail furiously and keen to get back into the action. . . . .

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  On 30/09/2015 at 19:43, Gaz_1989 said:

Some bad luck that is. From what I've heard though the ground you hunt is pretty rough and not exactly forgiving.


Hope she makes a speedy recovery. The vets always seem to think the worst and underestimate how well a determined and hardy dog can recover.


All the best.

its not that they think the worst its just they have to tell you the worst case scenario to cover there ass.


hope the dog makes a full recovery for you jai.

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  On 30/09/2015 at 19:47, Ideation said:

It is indeed. And both the ground and the quarry are rather unforgiving here. To be honest it was only a matter of time until it happened.


Cheers, I really hope she makes a speedy recovery to. . . . she is one hell of a tough dog. She stood there earlier, covered in blood, with a gaping chest wound, muscle split open to the bone. . . . and was wagging her tail furiously and keen to get back into the action. . . . .

She sounds like a tough cookie. I'm sure she will be back in the field in no time. Fingers crossed.

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Fingers crossed!


I'll also say now, I'm extremely lucky to have some very good mates, and have already been offered two young dogs to run over the next couple of months, whilst my own running dogs are in sick bay.

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Very unlucky typical it to happen to you while I had two lurcher out aswell !! Tough ground your right it was gone happen at some point bud but like I said this morning lurcher work for you !!

She be back out with the pack in no time bud !!

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Cheers all.Its appreciated :thumbs:


Wales1234567 - Yes, you are indeed right, thats lurcher work for you. Just a pain in the arse and shitty timing! Poor bitch is sore as hell, but at least she's curled up next to me on the sofa now. She will probably quite enjoy being in the house for a while. Considering the hole in her, I am amazed how well she shook it off when it happened.

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Aye, i'll stick by my dogs through thick and thin. This bitch is only two and a bit (or is it three and a bit?) but has grafted hard for me, given me lots of sport and fed me well. She has earned her place here, no matter what. If nothing else, she will make one hell of a guard dog!

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  On 30/09/2015 at 20:37, Wales1234 said:

At first I thought you was over reacting lol

With adrenaline she didn't seem bothered but could see she was abit worse for wear by time she got back to the car !!

It's shit but she be back soon enough !!



Yer I could tell you thought I was being a fanny at first :laugh: Telling me to just staple it :laugh:


Vets did multiple levels of stitching, to get all of the muscle etc back in order, and had to cut a fair bit of tissue away where it had been badly damaged. Oh and she gouged a good chunk out of herself. . . . . . i'm not sure how many stitches she has had, but its lots. I knew it was bad when I could get all four fingers inside her past the knuckle!!!


If you think she was wagging her tail like mad and going nuts when the hound was baying. . . . . she could hardly step over the doorstep when I got back and screamed when she tried to jump.

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