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Winchester Or Eley Subs / Cz Owners ?

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Hi all smile.gif

I have owned a .22 CZ Varmint Rimfire now for about eight years, and after the initial bullet testing of different brands, I opted for the old, blue box Winchester subs as my regular brand as they were very accurate and grouped well. However, I have always wanted to try Eley subs, but just can't seem to find any supplier in my local area that stocks them. Another reason I want to try the Eleys is that, Since the Winchester brand has changed from the old blue to the black box, I have also noticed a drop in consistency, especially where accuracy is concerned.

I was just wondering if you CZ guys could give me your opinion on which brand of Bullet you prefer to use in your CZ rifle, and if this turns out to be Eley, I will look further afield to find a supplier and will purchase a few boxes to try,


John :hmm:

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I use winchester subs and have not had any problems but tried some eley's that my mate got with a gun he bought and found they shot just as well as the winchesters through my cz 22 but like yourself cannot find a local supplier for the eley. I believe they are cheaper than winchesters aswell

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I've used both a lot, the Eley group brilliant in my CZ and give much tighter groups than the winchester subs, BUT if chest shooting then winchesters drop the rabbits much better than the eleys due to there bigger hollowpoint and you get a lot less runners.

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Used Winchester subs (blue box) for years, superb when I started with the new black box, I was amazed at how terrible they were. A five shot group look like I had used a four ten. They would not eject. They were just rubbish. Tried Eley Club and they restored my faith. Easy sub half inch groups at fifty metres in my CZ 455 varmint. Winchester has lost another customer.

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With you on this one, Winchester Sub's 'Blue box' GOOD, Black box Not even QUITE GOOD.

The best of the rest in my rifle are RWS subsonic, and best of all Standard Velocity GECO 42gr Target.

I know the target 'solids' aren't much good for hunting, but they group amazingly, I mean 'that good'.

Trouble is they ricochet something awful out in the field, so much so that I won't use them at night or

on land I'm new to, but head shot Rabbits with a backdrop fine.

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+1 Ian. I reckon Eley are more accurate but Winchester stop them better.


If you are looking for a round that combines Inconsistency, Inaccuracy and general tooth grindingly shite performance and unreliability look no further than CCI subs.

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CCI subs are about on par with the winchester subs for accuracy in my anschutz. But the segmenting cci's were poor. Remington subs are not so good either. Eley and sk are more accurate than most for me, always accurate and consistent. CCI velocitors I find OK as well and they hit hard.

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