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Low Velocity & High Velocity .22 Ammo

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Well, I decided to do a comparison of a few rounds I have, including, out of interest, some reduced charge loads at a longer range than I've tried them before. As I had better than expected results at 50 yards from the rws z langs, I thought I'd push them out a bit further just to see if they could still hold a group. Nothing scientific, but I set a shooting bag up on my bonnet and at 71 yards with the range finder I shot at the top right target using the top of the lower post reticle as my aimpoint. As such, the bullets were landing on the bottom right target but the grouping, although starting to open up a bit, was way better than I've managed to shoot with any other reduced charge rounds that I've used at 1:1/4 inch. At the other end of the velocity scale, the cci velocitors shot 1 inch at the same range. My aimpoint with these was with the crosshairs on the bottom right target and they grouped above the target as expected. The other targets on the card were shot with sk and eley subs. It goes to show that low velocity rounds can be useful, and so can the high velocity rounds that so many people dismiss as little more than useless.


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  • 5 months later...

I only use subs in my Anschutz and Sako, my preference is Eley HP Subs followed by Lapua. I have a little Marlin TDS Carbine, it's short micro-grooved barrel shoots CCI CB Shorts and Longs at 30 foot pounds very well upto 30 yards or so, they don't shoot well from my other rifles. I've also found that the new Eley Edge sub solids are excellent for head shooting rabbits.excelent in my Volquartsen barrelled semi-auto which has a tight chamber.

As for HV .22, I have some RWS in my Ammo cabinet, I will give them a try sometime, I value the quietness of subs in my rimmies.

Edited by Mantonman
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