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"far Right" On Tv.........

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The labour party have a councilor called Maggi flynn, near Melton Keynes. She once, along with her husband ran a nazi group, she served time for an animal rights attack on a butchers, she was implicat

I remember going to the Bolton edl March, I can't remember how many of us there was but it was big. I met black people, gay people, soldiers and oaps.....it was such a great feeling and made me think

Wonder why they don't look at the far left activist also   Look at what those wankers are responsible for   out of the 2 groups one appears to do alot more damage than the other to innocent people

Britain First is about as 'far right' as the EDL,900,000 facebook likes and how many votes?


Just a safety valve,a good place to blow off steam for young men while making nationalism look dangerous and unelectable,imagine asking Goldstein his opinions on foreign policy or the NHS for example.


They just turn what should be a serious debate into a petty argument on the street.

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It's been taught for so long that it's right bad left good, it's now part of accepted fact.

Most people in the UK have right ish leanings but we can't unite at all, everyone has a different view of who's right....people on the left will always support the left option unquestionably.

Sigmund Freud called it "the narcissism of small differences"; the tendency of closely allied people to engage in constant feuds.

So the National Front split, the BNP was born and then morphed into Britain First, following a series of rifts and power struggles among people who essentially share the same views.

I think the problem of the far right has always been bringing small, disparate groups under one umbrella, and keeping them together. If that could be achieved..........

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Britain First is about as 'far right' as the EDL,900,000 facebook likes and how many votes?


Just a safety valve,a good place to blow off steam for young men while making nationalism look dangerous and unelectable,imagine asking Goldstein his opinions on foreign policy or the NHS for example.


They just turn what should be a serious debate into a petty argument on the street.

Understand and aggree with wat your saying though both groups have put pressure on rotherham that imho have made certain that certain individuals in the CSE case could no longer be employed by the council in very well paid jobs due to their incompetance highlighted by these groups.

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I remember going to the Bolton edl March, I can't remember how many of us there was but it was big. I met black people, gay people, soldiers and oaps.....it was such a great feeling and made me think we were getting some somewhere....there was 2 edl arrests, young kids who were quickly de-arrested, warned and released.....


The counter protest was pure scum, local Asians with a banner saying allah is the greatest, proper hippy do gooders and scumbags. The leader of unite against fascism was arrested for conspiracy to cause violence along with about 15 other anti fascists, dragged away kicking and screaming.


That night on the news and in the media was the fact that there was 20 arrests at edl march...even though the edl behaved impeccably. The photos and news focused on the odd skin head along with some drunken chanting at a completely different march.....then I come on forums like this to read patriots and otherwise decent lads slagging off the edl....it was then that I realised the far left battle was already won.


I'm not saying the edl didn't attract nob heads but at least they did something, tried something.....


We know what's right, we know the political left are traitors but we won't as a nation react,or fight back....there will be no civil war like people keep surrgesting.......we will sit back and watching the end of our country, races and freedom....dictating and critising anyone who stands up, stuffing our fat faces on halal takeaway

Edited by DIDO.1
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Britain First is about as 'far right' as the EDL,900,000 facebook likes and how many votes?


Just a safety valve,a good place to blow off steam for young men while making nationalism look dangerous and unelectable,imagine asking Goldstein his opinions on foreign policy or the NHS for example.


They just turn what should be a serious debate into a petty argument on the street.

Understand and aggree with wat your saying though both groups have put pressure on rotherham that imho have made certain that certain individuals in the of case could no longer be employed by the council in very well paid jobs due to their incompetance highlighted by these groups.



A lot of people got big payouts though,and some were re-hired when things died down.


A 1 issue pressure group doesn't have much influence,walking around with flags and pressing 'like' on facebook does nothing.

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No it dosnt do anything.....but is that a reason to destroy them.


The political right will always contain angry, illiterate young men.....the type of young men that have been used to fight for their country in the mud blood and terror of every war in the last thousand years

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I remember going to the Bolton edl March, I can't remember how many of us there was but it was big. I met black people, gay people, soldiers and oaps.....it was such a great feeling and made me think we were getting some somewhere....there was 2 edl arrests, young kids who were quickly de-arrested, warned and released.....


The counter protest was pure scum, local Asians with a banner saying allah is the greatest, proper hippy do gooders and scumbags. The leader of unite against fascism was arrested for conspiracy to cause violence along with about 15 other anti fascists, dragged away kicking and screaming.


That night on the news and in the media was the fact that there was 20 arrests at edl march...even though the edl behaved impeccably. The photos and news focused on the odd skin head along with some drunken chanting at a completely different march.....then I come on forums like this to read patriots and otherwise decent lads slagging off the edl....it was then that I realised the far left battle was already won.


I'm not saying the edl didn't attract nob heads but at least they did something, tried something.....


We know what's right, we know the political left are traitors but we won't as a nation react,or fight back....there will be no civil war like people keep surrgesting.......we will sit back and watching the end of our country, races and freedom....dictating and critising anyone who stands up, stuffing our fat faces on halal takeaway


I remember going to the Bolton edl March, I can't remember how many of us there was but it was big. I met black people, gay people, soldiers and oaps.....it was such a great feeling and made me think we were getting some somewhere....there was 2 edl arrests, young kids who were quickly de-arrested, warned and released.....


The counter protest was pure scum, local Asians with a banner saying allah is the greatest, proper hippy do gooders and scumbags. The leader of unite against fascism was arrested for conspiracy to cause violence along with about 15 other anti fascists, dragged away kicking and screaming.


That night on the news and in the media was the fact that there was 20 arrests at edl march...even though the edl behaved impeccably. The photos and news focused on the odd skin head along with some drunken chanting at a completely different march.....then I come on forums like this to read patriots and otherwise decent lads slagging off the edl....it was then that I realised the far left battle was already won.


I'm not saying the edl didn't attract nob heads but at least they did something, tried something.....


We know what's right, we know the political left are traitors but we won't as a nation react,or fight back....there will be no civil war like people keep surrgesting.......we will sit back and watching the end of our country, races and freedom....dictating and critising anyone who stands up, stuffing our fat faces on halal takeaway


What was the endgame of the EDL?


March around chanting,and then...?


Everyone knows the problems we have today,there's no need at all to spread awareness,all that does is cause petty confrontation and waste time and energy,there are political parties to get behind for now and bigger things in the works.

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No it dosnt do anything.....but is that a reason to destroy them.


The political right will always contain angry, illiterate young men.....the type of young men that have been used to fight for their country in the mud blood and terror of every war in the last thousand years


A bunch of naive young men held a demo that caused chaos in liverpool about a month back,now it looks like the fat little creature,Joe Anderson will get the power to ban any marches he wants.


Now if marching ever became effective it wouldn't be a tool we could use,communists and anarchists could though.


Marching on the streets does nothing,achieves nothing as of now,everyone knows the score,who are we informing?

And do we want the biased media to control what 99.99% of the public sees of said march (on television or the internet)?

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Why do they need an end game? Why do they have to have a full political view and plan to even contemplate trying to start a movement?


What did you do? What's your plan?


Get in with the right people and helped out how I know,but doing nothing is far better than the completely counter productive act of marching around with a load of drunks in tow shouting at Muslims and trashing town centres.


The public will never get behind that,they won't learn anything from that,no law will then be passed in our favour so what's the point?

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I see your point, I do honestly.


BUT.....my point is if we all did something rather than pointing out what others are doing wrong we could change things....


Not if that something was marching,it's not realistic to think everyone needs to do something,but it's not necessary either.


I'd rather have 10 intelligent and experienced nationalists knocking on peoples doors and winning people over than a rabble of 15,000 on the streets wrecking town and fighting with muslims.

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