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The Lad Starting Smoking

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Start of with you an the wife quitting smoking, setting an example, he probably thinks its OK, cause you an the wife smokes.

To be honest if he's smoking in front of you at 13 is be far more worried about the lack of respect my son had for me. I would question if my son was willing to have such disrespect what next?   It'

Don't punish him at all.   Sit him down and explain how smoking will shorten all your lives and then come up with a plan to all stop.   If you want I could email him and describe my experiences o

King your going to have to stop smoking, an the wife, if you don't you'll, get nowere mate, if you stop his money hell get a fag somewhere mate.


This could be a good thing, yours an the wife's health, will benifit drastically, as you know mate.


Trying to punish your way out of it won't work on its own, he see it as hypocritical of you,


Set the example mate, an you an family will come out other side, happier an healthier, atb mate

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I reckon that to sit a 13yr old down and supply him with fags one after the other until he's sick (although I bet it works) is probably going to see you in court in this namby pamby age of The Lefty. They'd claim it was child abuse.

You give up.. or you haven't got a moral leg to stand on..and no one else is going to stop him.

Good Luck :thumbs:

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Pull your socks up your his parents and your addiction has led your child to start something that will lead to an early grave and most likely a fair bit of suffering towards the end. Stop smoking, don' start vaping, get help and plan with him how your are going to spend all the money you will save. Use the caveat that if he also stops he will get equal rewards perhaps a really great day out monthly.. Then if you find he's still smoking cancel the day out that month.

Edited by sandymere
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My sonsbest friend said lastnight that my 13yr son is smoking .i smoke and the wife what do you think is the best way to tackle it stop k

His dinner money or his pocket money. I might sound like I'm pissed off what's the best way to go about

Thanks for replays.


I smoked as a kid (I dont now) and all the clipping of my ear and foot up my arse never stopped me until i decided to stop my self.(when i was about 30)....we found out our son was smoking when he was about 14/15......and all the lectures, the grounding etc never stopped him either...hes now 17 and still smokes! not in the house mind. My wife and I have just come to accept it whilst not condoning it. Hopefully he may wise up one day or maybey he wont, either way its his problem. I dont really know what would work for your lad to be honest, maybey get him to watch some info on the effects of smoking and cancer etc, the more graphic the better...

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Yea get that hit on the head.


Let him smell your clothes and hair he will soon realise how disgusting the smell of stale smoke is.


It's not like our day when everyone smoked nowadays smokers are treated as lepers.

We are witnessing the death throws of the fag companies.


They are investing millions on ecigs as they know the writings on the wall for them.


It's defo not considered cool to smoke.


Oh and 13 year old ! Where's he getting a fiver to buy ten fags

Edited by truescot
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You can't expect him to stop ,if you are both doing it,

Only way you can get round it or justify it,is explain its what adults are allowed to do ,like driving,drinking alcohol,swearing etc.

Often I crave a roll up,but don't as its pure waste of money,

Just Dont be like one family on our estate,lads 17 don't work doesn't look for work,sleeps all day,video games all night out playing footy with mates,and his mum buys him his own smokes ,an lads come home steaming drunk before now,

So gets money for booze as well.

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I stared smoking when I was sixteen and my uncle took one of my marbrlo lights dug some tobacco out replaced the tobacco with a small French banger and put the tobacco back over to cover it and I used to walk down the lane for a smoke lit the cigarette and few puffs and the thing went booooom in my mouth and I've never smoked since

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You can't criticise him for doing something that you are doing yourself - why is it OK for you to smoke, but not him ?


Pack it in together ! It's an expensive, filthy habit that will shorten ALL your lives ! Knock it on the head before he can afford to buy them for himself......

Edited by Blackbriar
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lol yea just realised a fiver is f**k all these days to a kid.


The price of them should put any sane person of them. I smoked like a beagle in a laboratory but I thought a tenner a pack it was time to quit. Best thing I ever did!


The worst thing about stopping is the smell from other smokers I didn't actually realise as a smoker how f***ing disgusting it is.

Sat next to a smoker other day and I had to move I was physically feeling sick.

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